The nervous system is split into the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system
The central nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal cord
the peripheral nervous system is made up of the autonomic nervous system and the somatic system
The somatic system is your voluntary responses
The autonomic system is your involuntary responses
The autonomic system is made up of the sympathetic system and the parasympathetic system
The sympathetic system and parasympathetic system are antagonistic
The sympathetic system prepares the body for action
The parasympathetic system controls activities at rest
The autonomic nervous system is part of the peripheral nervous system and therefore transmits information from the central nervous system
The parasympathetic system causes constriction of the pupil and the sympathetic system causes dialation
The parasympathetic system causes stimulation of saliva and the sympathetic system inhibits saliva
The parasympathetic system decreases breathing rate nd the sympathetic system increases breathing rate
The parasympathetic system stimulates gut action and the sympathetic system inhibits gut action
The parasympathetic system stimulates bladder contraction and the sympathetic system relaxes the bladder
The parasympathetic system decreases heart rate and the sympathetic system increases it
The parasympathetic system decreases adrenal gland secretion and the sympathetic system increases adrenal gland secretion
The parasympathetic system causes sexual arousal and the sympathetic system causes ejaculation or orgasm
Neurones have extensions called dendrites and one long extension called the axon
Myelin sheaths are formed from Schwann cells
Schwann cells have lipid rich cell membranes
Gaps in the myelin sheath are known as Nodes of Ranvier
Reflex arcs don't involve many synapses, which are slow to transmit across neurones
Although reflexes occur at the point of response, some signals are still sent to the brain. This may result in nothing but sometime allows the brain to override the response if its comprehensive decision making process deems this necessary