
Cards (33)

  • Lipids are nonpolar and, therefore, hydrophobic
  • Lipids can directly bypass through cellular membrane
  • Saturated fatty acids have only single C-C bonds
  • Unsaturated fatty acids contain one or more C=C double bonds
  • 1 mol of fatty acids oxidized produced up to 9kcal of energy
  • Saturated fatty acids store more energy than unsaturated ones
  • Saturated fatty acids are solid in room temperature
  • Unsaturated fatty acids are liquid in room temperature
  • This is a saturated fatty acid
  • This is unsaturated fatty acid
  • This is a structure of triglyceride
  • This is a structure of glycerol
  • This is a phosphoglyceride
  • Phospholipids are part of cellular membrane because they are amphipathic
  • In phosphoglycerides, phospate group faces outside and inside of membrane and fatty acids are within the membrane
  • Glycolipids are composed of glycerol with attached to it fatty acids and carbohydrate
  • Sphingolipids have a backbone made of sphingosine with attached to it fatty acid and polar head group (could be a phosphate)
  • Glycolipids are found in abudance in membranes of myelinated cells
  • Important steroids for MCAT are some hormones, vitamin D and cholesterol
  • Cholesterol is important for membrane stability and fluidity
  • Terpenes are lipids and they include vitamin A
  • Eicosanoids are local hormones released from cell membrane and they include prostaglandins
  • Lipids travel in blood via lipoproteins which are made of phospholipids and apoproteins
  • Lipoproteins are classified by their density: the higher the density, the more proteins
  • HDL has more proteins than lipids (abbreviation only)
  • VLDL has more lipids than proteins (abbreviation only)
  • Isoprene is the smallest unit of terpenes
  • To get MONOterpen, you need 2 isoporene units
  • Single tailed phospholipids form micelles
  • Glycolipids are involved in cell recognition
  • Apoproteins in lipoproteins are amphipathic
  • Chylomicrons are the largest and have the highest lipid content among all lipoproteins
  • HDL removes excess cholesterol from cells and transports it back to liver