Monro-Kellie Doctrine: When brain tissue increases in volume (due to tumors), CSF resorption and decrease in cerebral blood flow occur as compensatory mechanism
Increased ICP result in Herniation: Displacement of brain tissue
Is a non-specific consequence of many types of brain pathologies (but mostly present in acute pathologies)
Symptoms: Headache, hallucinations, coma, death
Two types of Cerebral Edema:
Extracellular Fluid is increased
Pathogenesis: ↑Vascular permeability and BBB disruption
Intracellular Fluid is increased
Pathogenesis: Cellular swelling (because of Na-K ATPase failure)
Accumulation of excessive CSF within the ventricular system
Caused by:
Impaired resorption of CSF
Increased production of CSF
Obstruction in the ventricular system leading to build up and backflow