The annexation of Crimea from Ukraine represents a threat to territorial integrity and sovereignty.
Ukraine has a large volume of natural materials, with the highest concentration towards the east of the country where non-metallic minerals are vastly found and closer to the borders of Russia.
Fossil fuels are located more north and west of the country.
Ukraine's main source of gas and entry of pipelines into the country is from Russia, receiving only 2 other entry pipelines out of the 8 from Belarus.
Ukraine's highest percentage of coal resources is found in an area of conflict close to Russian borders, with the rest of the coal supply found not far from this area, threatening the sovereignty of Ukraine.
The highest percentage of Russian speakers are found in Crimea and close to the Russian border, advantage for both Crimea and Russia upon the entry of the nation to Russia, threatening the sovereignty of Ukraine.
In the 2010 election, the percentage of the population which speak Russian natively are found further east, closer towards Russia, showing the influence of Russia on these areas.
Areas of Ukraine which are against Russia are part of the core of Ukraine, with Russia still not possessing the areas which are most important to the country.
Both Russia and Ukraine are not part of the NATO, however in Nov 2022, NATO allegedly promised membership to Ukraine, bringing instability between the memberships of this organisation and institutional agreements.
Most NATO members are sat behind Ukraine geographically, and so any NATO nukes or US bases are not accessible for Ukraine, further adding to this, Russia holds many Nukes and bases outside of its country which can all advance to attack Ukraine.
Luhansk and Donetsk have been taken by Russia, as well as Crimea, showing the advance of Russia into the country of Ukraine, with the Ukrainian government slowly being eroded as Russia further advances.
Political consequences of the conflict include a war against the west, a moral challenge to Europe and rest of the world, and a violation of human rights and UN charters.
Institutional agreements for peace and security are starting to look fragile due to the conflict.
Erosion of trust is a consequence of the conflict, with Russia creating economic shocks in energy markets and weaponizing famine.
Russian threats include the raising of risk of possible use of nuclear weapons to discourage western allies from offering military support to Ukraine.
The international response to the conflict includes solidarity with Ukraine from the EU, with the risk of return of nuclear weapons a potential consequence.
Economic consequences of the conflict include disruption in food and energy supply, with gas networks for a large volume of Europe cut off due to Russia being the main source of energy.
Social consequences of the conflict include drone wars and risk of return of nuclear weapons.
International laws have been broken due to the conflict, with UN charters and fundamental international law violated.