Psych 258 Midterm 1

Cards (97)

  • mind create representations of the world so we act the environment to achieve goals
  • structuralism is experience is determined by combining basic elements of the mind into a whole
  • william james taught the first psychology course at harvard
  • watson - behaviorism is idea behaviors are acquired through interaction with the environment
  • skinner - operant conditioning is how behavior is strengthened by use of positive reinforcers or withdrawal of negative reinforcers
  • skinner argued children learn language through operant conditioning
  • chomsky argued language was developed from inborn biologial program in the mind
  • paradigm is system of ideas that dominate science at a particular time
  • kuhn - scientific revolutions is shift from one paradigm to another (paradigm shift)
  • short term memory has limited capacity and hold info for a few seconds (unless repeating)
  • long term memory has a high capacity and holds info for long time
  • episodic memory is life events stored in long term memory
  • semantic memory is fact or info thats stored in long term memory
  • procedural memory is physical actions thats stored in long term memory and is not consciously recalled
  • electrophysiology is measuring electrical responses of nervous system
  • positron emission tomography (PET) lets is see what areas of the brain were active during cognitive activity
  • functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a technique that measures the blood flow in the brain to see neural activity
  • level of analysis is idea topic can be studied many ways, each with its own set of variables and concepts
  • neuron doctrine is individual cell transmits signal in nervous system and cells are are continuous with other cells
  • cell body is the center of neruon and keeps it alive
  • dendrites branch out from the cell body and receive information from other neurons
  • axons process of transmitting signals to other neurons
  • synapse is gap at the end of the neuron axon and dendrites of another neuron
  • resting potential is inside neuron has a charge -70mV at rest
  • action potential (nerve impulse) occurs when neuron is stimulated and transmits down axon and charge increases to 40mV
  • neurotransmitter is released when signal reaches synapse at the end of the axon
  • rate of nerve firing is number of action potentials travelling down axon per second
  • experience dependent plasticity is the structure of the brain changed by experiences
  • temporal lobe processes auditory info and encodes memeories of sounds and speech
  • sensory code is how neurons represent various environment characteristics
  • specificity coding is specific neurons only responds to certain objects
  • population coding is the representation of the object is by pattern of firing large group of neurons
  • sparse coding is when an object is represented by firing a small group of neurons
  • cerebral cortex serves many functions and is the wrinkled covering on the brain
  • brocas area controls ability to understand to speak words
  • brocas aphasia is a language disorder that affects the ability to produce speech (slow and no grammer)
  • wernikes area controls the ability to understand meaning of words
  • wernikes aphasia allows produced speech and grammatically correct sentences but cannot understand others speech
  • prosopagnosia is an inability to recognize faces
  • double dissociation is damage in brain loses function A while function B is present , then damage to another area makes function B gone, function A is present