Areas of Earth used for agricultural production are identifiable as the agricultural landscape or the visible imprint of agricultural practices
Rice paddies, barns, or feedlots are some distinctive features of agricultural landscapes
In market gardening, farmers focus on the local or regional markets
Market gardening's agricultural landscape is a mix of small farms interspersed among suburban areas
Plantations are typically located in vast, relatively flat areas near coastal regions
Plantations are generally laid out in linear patterns for ease of cultivation and harvesting
Plantations are cultivated areas in the tropics and subtropics
Plantations have crops such as sugar, tea, coffee, bananas, and oil palm
Mixed crop/livestock farming takes place around small villages where families live at the edges of the fields
The agricultural landscape in regions with mixed crop/livestock farming shows a small, tightly clustered village surrounded by fields
Village homes in mixed crop/livestock are permanent
The agricultural landscape for paddy rice farming has diked, flooded rice paddies, sometimes situated on terraced hillsides
Features on the paddy rice landscape include levees that keep unwanted water from entering the paddies, reservoirs, canals, and drainage channels that control the water necessary to grow the rice
The agricultural landscape for grain farming has vast fields of grain that can cover hundreds of acres such as the grain belt in the U.S. Northern Plains
The most visible structures in the grain belt are the grain elevators that store grains
The small family farm in the grain belt has been mostly replaced by suitcase farms
Suitcase farms are a farm on which no one lives; planting and harvesting are done by hired migratory crews
Large feedlots in which beef cattle are raised for meat are evidence of livestock fattening
The landscape for a family dairyfarm includes the home, barns, & other outbuildings, fenced pastures/fields for crops, like corn, hay, and small grains
The most distinctive feature of the dairying landscape is the silo
A silo is a round or square tower-like structure that stores feed for the livestock
The agricultural landscapes of extensive agricultural practices are less visible than the landscapes for intensive agricultural practices
Several small clearings near a village characterize the agricultural landscape of the tropical areas in which shiftingcultivation is practiced.
In nomadic herding basic needs for the family and animals, like tents & pens, are limited & moved from place to place with the herds
Not all nomadic residences are temporary like herders who practice transhumance who may live in permanent villages during the winter months
The landscapes of livestock ranching include an open range, permanent dwellings, and small buildings for ranch workers and storage
Settlement patterns are the ways in which people organize themselves on the land
The three primary rural settlement patterns: are clustered, dispersed, and linear
Clustered settlements are tightly bunched farm settlements that have anywhere from a few dozen to several hundred inhabitants
A farmstead is the center of farm operations, which includes the farmhouse, barns, shed, livestock pens, and family garden
Clusteredsettlements are the most common form of agricultural settlement in much of Europe, Latin America, the densely settled farming regions of Asia, & in parts of Africa & the Middle East
Clustered settlements came to be because historically farmers could better defend themselves against such dangers by grouping in villages
Clustered settlements promote communal ties which strongly bind the residents of a farm village
The dispersed/isolated settlement pattern is which families live relatively distant from one another
Dispersed settlement developed during the Europeancolonization of new farmland in Anglo America, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa
Conditions that foster dispersedsettlement include peace and security in the countryside and where water is accessible
In a linear settlement pattern, buildings are arranged in a line, often along a road or river
The linear settlement pattern was introduced to North America by French colonists
Linearsettlement patterns can commonly be seen in Canada, more specifically Quebec
Survey patterns, or land division patterns, are the results of survey methods