Bohr postulated that each electron occupied only certain orbits and contains specific amounts of energies
The further the orbit, the more energy contained in the electron
Electrons drop from a higher-energy orbit to a lower-energy orbit. This causes a certain amount of energy in the form of light to be emitted (called a photon)
A larger transition means that moreenergy is released
Each transition corresponds to oneline on the emission spectra
Different elements have different emission spectra because they contain different numbers of electrons
As the gaps between the lines on the emission spectra get smaller, the gaps between the energy levels also gets smaller
Electrons do not move around the nucleus in circular orbits (we do not know about the detailed pathway of the electron). We are able to define the region around the nucleus where the electron might be found
Atomic orbital = area around the nucleus where there is a high possibility of finding an electron
principlequantum number
determines the size of the orbital
any wholenumber except 0 (from 1,2,3 and upwards)
angularmomentum number
determines the shape of the orbital
any whole number between 0 and n-1 inclusive
magnetic quantum number
determines the orientation of the orbital
any whole number between -L and +L
spinquantum number
determines the e- spin
either -1/2 or +1/2
s-subshell-> sharp -> L = 0
p-subshell-> principal -> L = 1
d-subshell -> diffuse -> L=2
f-subshell -> fundamental -> L=3
If n=1, L=0 so only s-subshell is occupied
If n=2, L=1 so s and p subshells are occupied
If n=3, L=2 so s, p, and d subshells are occupied
m effectively tells us how many orbitals make up a subshell and how many orbitals are in each shell
L=0 so m=0 -> 1 number written for m so 1orbital
L=1 so m=-1,0,+1 -> 3 numbers written for m so 3orbitals
L=2 so m=-2,-1,0,+1,+2 -> 5 numbers written for m so 5orbitals
n=1, L=0 -> 1 shell, 1 subshell
n=2, L=0 or 1 -> 1 shell, 2 subshells
n=3, L=0, 1, or 2 -> 1 subshell, 3 subshells
Each orbital can only hold up to 2 electrons
Each electron has a -1 charge so placing 2 electrons in close proximity to each other will cause e--e-repulsions
Electrons have a property called "spin"
The spin is described by the spinquantumnumber, s
It can have a value of -1/2 or +1/2
2 electrons with opposing spins repel each other less than 2 electrons with the same spin
This explains why each orbital can hold a maximum of 2 electrons
This electron configuration chart covers all the elements in the periodic table
Example = H: 1s^1
(first) "1" represents the number of shells (n), the "s" represents the number of subshells (L), the superscript "1" represents the number of electrons
Write the complete version of electron configuration for F and Ca
F: 1s^2 2s^2 2p^5
Ca: 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^6 4s^2
Write the condensed version of electron configuration for F and Ca
F: [He] 2s^2 2p^5
Ca: [Ar] 4s^2
There are 2 exceptions in terms of electron configurations:
Cr: [Ar] 3d^5 4s^1
Cu: [Ar] 3d^10 4s^1
Aufbauprinciple = states that all lowerenergy shells must be filled before starting the nextsubshell
Distribution of electrons into different atomic orbitals follows the AufbauPrinciple, Hund’sRule, and PauliExclusionPrinciple.
Pauliexclusionprinciple = states that no 2 electrons in the same orbital can have the samespin (i.e. every electron must have a uniquecombination of values for n, L, m and s)
Hund's rule = each orbital must be half-filled before spin pairing can occur (doubling up)
Each subshell contains orbitals and these orbitals have different shapes depending upon the type of subshell
S-subshell -> 1 orbital
P-subshell -> 3 orbitals
A) px
B) py
C) pz
D-subshell -> 5 orbitals
A) dz^2
B) dx^2 - y^2
C) dxz
D) dxy
E) dyz
Photoelectron Spectroscopy (PES):
Uses high energy radiation/light (x-ray or ultraviolet) enough to eject some electrons from the atom
It provides information about ionization energies of electrons in elements (i.e. how much energy is required to strip away an electron)
A detector is able to measure the number of electrons ejected from a material's surface
Units: MJ/mol (M = 10^6 J)
Largerbinding energy (stronger force so more input of energy) = electrons are closer to the nucleus
Using the information about ionization energies from PES, we can describe the: