Designs the structural systems and structural elements in buildings, bridges, stadiums, tunnels, and other civilengineering works (bones).
Structural Engineer
Design: Process of determining location, material, and size of structural elements to resist forces acting in a structure.
Engineering Design Process
Identify the problem.
Engineering Design Process
Explore alternative solutions; research past experience, brainstorm, preliminary design of most promising solutions.
Engineering Design Process
Analyze and design one or more viable solutions.
Engineering Design Process
Testing and evaluation of solution; experimental testing (prototype) or field tests and peer evaluation.
Engineering Design Process
Building solution using available resources (materials, equipment, labor).
Design Process in Structural Engineering
Select material for construction.
Design Process in Structural Engineering
Determine the appropriate structural system for a particular case.
Design Process in Structural Engineering
Determine forces acting on a structure.
Design Process in Structural Engineering
Calculate the size of members and connections to avoid failure (collapse) or excessive deformation.
Forces Acting in Structures
Forces induced by gravity, by wind, by earthquakes, by rain/snow, and fluidpressures.
Forces Induced by Gravity
Dead loads (permanent): self-weight of structure and attachments.
Forces Induced by Gravity
Live loads (transient): moving loads (e.g. occupants, vehicles).
Vertical: Gravity
Lateral: Wind, Earthquake
Global Stability: Sliding
Global Stability: Overturning
Types of Stress
Linear Elastic
Types of Stress
Non-Linear Plastic
Types of Stress
Elastic - Plastic
Types of Stress
Non-Linear Plastic
Materials Used in Civil Engineering
Stone and Masonry.
Materials Used in Civil Engineering
Metals: cast iron, steel, and aluminum.
Materials Used in Civil Engineering
Concrete, Wood, and Fiber-Reinforced Plastics
Concrete Components
Sand (Fine Aggregate), Gravel (Coarse Aggregate), Cement (Binder), Water, and Air.
Ability to withstand given stress without failure.
Tensile Failure
Compressive Failure
Stiffness (Rigidity)
Property related to deformation.
Stiffness (Rigidity)
Stiffer structural elements deforms less under the same applied load and stiffness depends on type of material (E), structural shape, and structural configuration.