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Cards (22)

  • we test supraspinatus by having pt resist abduction (0-20 degrees) (muscle should be tense)
  • infraspinatus origin: spine
  • supraspinatus' main function is abduction
  • infraspinatus' main function is to externally rotate
  • we test infraspinatus by having pt resist external rotation (elbow at side, push hard against hand)(muscle should be tense)
  • teres minor's main function is to externally rotate
  • bicep (long head) origin: supraglenoid tubercle (vertical to the bicipital groove)
  • bicep (short head) origin: coracoid process
  • we test bicep (long head) by having pt resist shoulder flexion (hold up simba, push down on end w/1 finger)(muscle should hurt when pushed on)
  • the main function of the bicep (long head) is to abduct the arm (shoulder flexion)
  • the main functions of the pec major are internal rotation, shoulder flexion, and shoulder extension
  • latissimus dorsi origin: iliac crest and sacrum
  • latissimus dorsi insertion: bicipital groove
  • latissimus dorsi action: internal rotation
  • deltoids (anterior) origin: lateral 3rd of clavicle
  • deltoids (middle) insertion: acromion process
  • deltoids (posterior) origin: spine of scap
  • deltoids (anterior & posterior) insertion: deltoid tuberosity
  • deltoids (middle) origin: deltoid tuberosity
  • we test the deltoids by having pt resist abduction (anterior), flexion (anterior), and extension (posterior, have pt push backwards)
  • deltoids insertion: deltoid tuberosity (a & p), acromion process (middle)
  • deltoids origin: spine of scap (p), lateral 3rd or clavicle (a), and deltoid tuberosity (middle)