Context- Thomas had lots of unhappy relationships and marriages. Hardy was in unhappy marriage and was bitter and resentful (He re-married but when he died he buried himself next to his old wife) - influenced by emotionalism of romantic poets (19/20th century poetry)
ABAB rhyme scheme- regular rhyme couplet - they’re physically together but emotionally apart
“your face, (caesura) and the God-cursed sun” - religious imagery (God cursed the sun wishing Thomas evil because he's had many unhappy marriages and relationships) (blaming god)
Summary -
speaker is telling a story about a meeting with a former lover at side of pond
‘ stood by a pond that winter day ‘
Hardy uses pathetic fallacy ‘winter’ to show sadness and coldness
verb ‘stood’ is past tense implies relationship is over and has a passive implication
‘ the sun was white , as though chidden of God ‘
lack of colour shows lack of life and love in characters
alr opinion - white connotes purity and angelic which juxtaposes the ‘chidden of God’ which actually means the place has been disapproved of god
‘ starving sod ‘
sibilance - ‘s’ sound drags out conveys despair and also personifies the soil as starving, drained and miserable also reflecting their relationship
‘ a few leaves lay ‘ (…) ‘and were grey ‘
alliteration of leaves lay emphasises how they're still and not moving
monochromatic colours to show dreary relationship
‘ eyes that rove ‘ - enjambement
enjambement mimics movement of the eyes and the word ‘rove’ reflects the boredom the other person feels
alr opinion - cheating
’smile on your mouth was the deadest thing’ ‘alive enough to have strength to die’ METAPHOR
antithesis (person who is the opposite) - suggests couple were prone to conflict and contrasted eachother
Cyclical structure -
‘Stood by a pond’ ‘gray’ - start
‘pond edged with grayish leaves’ - end
shows how speaker has been repeatedly hurt by love 🔴 alt opinion - he can’t escape thoughts of her - links to context of why he reburied next to his old wife
’ words played between us to and fro’
personification - implies relationship was trivial and pointless
Death imagery -
‘ deadest thing‘ ‘strength to die’
talks about a smile which should be happy but now is something morbid
death of relationship
‘ neutral tones’ ‘bitterness’ ‘gray’
neutral title juxtaposes the strong harsh feelings of pain and coldness
shows speaker is confused on what to think - links to enjambement - all his words are pouring out because he’s confused
’ grayish leaves ‘
pessimism - colourless imagery shows lack of hope everywhere even in nature