crime and deviance

Cards (30)

  • Anomie theory suggests that a lack of social norms (normlessness) in society can lead individuals to commit crimes.
  • Social control is the process by which society attempts to regulate behavior through formal or informal means.
  • Durkheim argued that modern industrial societies were experiencing an increase in suicide rates due to the breakdown of traditional social structures and values.
  • Informal social control is the way people behave (deviant or not) due to there socialisation which is contributed by friends and family.
  • Formal social control is is carried out by secondary socialisation using agencies such as police and education to maintain social order and limit individuals displaying deviant behaviour.
  • One functionalist view of crime is that it provides jobs for individuals in society. (Jobs within the criminal justice system)
  • Under 5% of prisoners in the UK are female
  • Over 50% of prisoners have a diagnosed mental health condition.
  • 3 functions of crime:
    Removing dangerous people from society to protect individuals from harm.
    Providing justice for victims of crime.
    Provides jobs for people.
  • 3 examples of surveillance:
    ANPR- automatic number plate recognition
    Ankle bracelets
  • Strain theory was done by Merton
  • Conformists accept the goals but use legitimate means to reach them. They follow the rules and do not break any laws.
  • The 4 types of adaptation according to mertons strain theory: conformity, innovation, ritualism and retreatism
  • Cham bliss does a definition for state crime
  • waddington says that stop and search is higher in areas with a higher ethnic minority backround
  • Hoyle- 12 characteristics victims experience eg. guily, anxiety and sleeplessness
  • Cohen did culture of denial regarding how middle class dont take crimes seriously
  • Mclaughlin did types of state crime eg military committing crime and government starting war
  • Felson situation crime prevention- bus stop allow rough sleepers etc
  • Clark situational crime prevention- reducing opportunities for crime eg. locking doors and windows
  • Perry preschool project social crime prevention, forcused on working class black students and for every $1 spent $17 was saved in future welfare and prisons
  • Merton strain theory
  • Wilson and kelling- Broken windows theory
  • postman- says that crime in the media is a form of entertainment
  • Morris says the reason for an increased population of black people in prison is doesn’t to a high population of young black people and young people are more likely to be in prison
  • Hirchi- a reduced population of asian people in prison do tl strict families. A03- 6.5% uk asian population but 7.7% asian in prison
  • Gilory says that the reason why there is increased black population in prison is because they need to protest for rights dispite social policy and therefore commit street crime eg BLM
  • Swell high population of lone parent families are black and boys look up to gang members and leads to criminal acts
  • White- green crime. Act may not be criminal but it causes human/non human harm to environment
  • Wolf- military crime can be increasingly harmful due to the rise of chemicals used in weapons