modulation transfer function: Measures the ability of the detector to transfer it’s spatial resolution characteristics to the image. quantifies the loss or gain of resolution
an MTF of zero means no image is recorded
a MTF of 1 means perfect image is recorded. There was no loss of information
spatial resolution is described by the “modulation transfer function”
MTF is measured separately for each component in the recording system (monitor, detector, cables and wires etc). Total MTF is the product of all the subcomponents.
MTF graph: the flatter the line, the lower the MTF
DR has a higher MTF for small objects due to its wide dynamic range and high DQE
Signal-to-noise ratio is a measure of contrast resolution
High signal to noise ratio is ideal
Digital imaging systems SNR 1000:1
Spatial Resolution for DR: Is determined by size of detector elements (pixels). Size is limited due to requirements of electronics. decrease pixel size = decreased light/photon absorption.
Fillfactor = ratio of light sensitive area to the entire area of the detector element
How efficiently a system converts the x-ray input signal into a useful output image is known as detectivequantumefficiency.
DQE = SNR2out / SNR2in
DQE: value range from 0-1.
A perfect system would have a DQE of 1 (no information is lost between detector input and detector output)
SNR = signal (useful info)/ noise (erratic info)
High SNR captures the greatest amount of useful image info
Advantages of high DQE: Lower dose, increase ability to visualize small low contrast objects
Direct method has increased spatial resolution over indirect due to no divergence of light.