Art quiz

Cards (133)

  • Humanities is the study of how humans have expressed themselves through the arts throughout history.
  • Humanities is a broad field that includes the fine arts, performing arts, and literary arts.
  • Art came from the word “ars” which means skill.
  • Art is synonymous with skill, cunning, artifice, and craft, which all mean the faculty of what is devised.
  • Art may be used interchangeably with all the other terms but, in its most distinct sense, it contrasts with them in applying a personal, unanalyzeable creative power; skill stresses technical knowledge and proficiency.
  • According to Webster, art is “human ingenuity in adapting natural things to man’s use”.
  • Art is very important in our lives and constitutes one of the oldest and most important means of expression developed by man.
  • Art is derived from the Latin word "ars", meaning ability or skill.
  • Going beyond what is real, the artist in Impressionism may distort color or form.
  • Impressionism is realism based on the artist’s impression, presenting the real-life subject with emphasis on the impression left in the artist’s mind or perception, particularly the effect of light on the object used as subject.
  • Expressionism is emotional realism, presenting the real-life subject with the intention to express emotions, pathos, chaos, fear, violence, defeat, morbidity, and tragedy.
  • Futurism is realism in the future, presenting a subject that relates not to the present, but to the future.
  • During the first decade of the 20th century, Expressionism was a style of modern painting which puts stress on intense color, agitated brushwork, and violent imagery to express painful emotions, anxiety, and hallucinatory states.
  • Emphasis is the act of giving proper importance on one or more parts of the thing or the whole thing itself.
  • Harmony is the most essential factor in a composition and is achieved when all the elements of a thing are put together to create a coherent whole.
  • Formal balance exists if the weights at equal distance from the center are equal.
  • Emphasis is achieved by means of size or proportion, shape, color, line, position, and variety.
  • The five principles of art are harmony, balance, rhythm, proportion, and emphasis.
  • Balance, also known as physical equilibrium, is stability produced by even distribution of weight on each side of the thing.
  • Rhythm is the continuous use of a motif or repetitive pattern of a succession of similar or identical items.
  • According to Polyclitus, a well-proportioned human body is eight head parts, meaning the head is one-eighth of the inter human body.
  • Proportion is the comparative relationship of the different parts in relation to the whole.
  • Informal balance is present when the left and the right sides of the thing, though not identical in appearance, still display an even distribution of weight.
  • Mangling in painting is presenting the subject with parts which are cut, lacerated, mutilated, or hacked with repeated blows.
  • Abstract expressionism in painting is presenting the subject with the use of strong color, uneven brush strokes, and rough texture and with the deliberate lack of refinement in the application of the paint.
  • Dadaism in painting is shocking realism, it is presenting the real-life subject with the intention to shock the audience through the exposure of the evils in society.
  • Cubism in painting is presenting the subject with the use of cubes and other geometric figures.
  • In painting, a human body is often depicted with no facial features, fingers, toes, and hair.
  • Distortion in painting is presenting the subject in a misshaped form, for example, an apple can be shown as a square, circle, star, ovoid, or cylindrical.
  • Surrealism in painting is presenting the subjects as if they do not form part of the real world, but belong to the world of dreams and fantasy.
  • Fauvism in painting is optimistic realism, it is presenting the real-life subject with the use of bright colors suggesting comfort, joy, and pleasure.
  • Symbolism in painting is presenting the subject symbolically, the artist shows his subject as it appears in real life, but he intends to let it represent something.
  • Abstractionist select from methods such as distortion, mangling, elongation, cubism, and abstract expressionism.
  • Shape is the external appearance of a clearly defined area and contributes to the final form of the artwork.
  • A sculpture occupies not only the area on which it stands, but also the area from the top to the bottom and from the left to the right side of the object.
  • Elongation in painting is presenting the subject in an elongated form, it is done by stretching the object.
  • Realism, also termed naturalism, is the method of presenting subjects as they appear in real life.
  • Perspective is synonymous with point of view, angle of vision, or frame of reference and is the point where the artist stands to view his subject as he creates his artwork.
  • Three roses symbolize two roses, one rose, and I love you.
  • Coral/Orange Roses symbolize enthusiasm and desire.