Cards (59)

  • Ethics is the science of morality that refers to the moral principles of practice.
  • Jurisprudence is defined as a system of laws and is the science of philosophy of laws.
  • Law is the total sum of rules and regulations by which a society is governed.
  • The term “ethics” is derived from the Greek word “ethos” which can mean custom, habit, character or disposition.
  • Ethics is concerned with “what is good” for individuals and society and is also described as moral philosophy.
  • Our concepts of ethics have been derived from religions, philosophies and cultures and infuse debates on topics like abortion, human rights and professional conduct.
  • Approaches to Ethics include three areas: Meta-ethics, Normative Ethics, and Applied Ethics.
  • Meta-ethics deals with the nature of moral judgement and investigates the origin of our ethical principles.
  • Normative ethics is concerned with the content of moral judgements and the criteria for what is right or wrong.
  • Applied ethics looks at controversial topics like war, animal rights and capital punishment.
  • Personal Ethics refer to a person’s personal or self-created values and codes of conduct, instilled in an individual from a young age by their parents, friends, and family.
  • Common examples of personal ethics may include honesty, openness, commitment, unbiased behavior, and sense of responsibility.
  • Professional Ethics are those values and principles that are introduced to an individual in a professional organization and must be strictly followed.
  • In the United States, jurisprudence commonly means the philosophy of law.
  • Examples of personal ethics include honesty, care, and sincerity.
  • Your personal needs are satisfied by following personal ethics.
  • Examples of professional ethics include no gossiping, time management, punctuality, confidentiality, and transparency
  • Examples of professional ethics include confidentiality, fairness, transparency and proficiency.
  • Professional Ethics are imperative in professional settings as they bring a sense of discipline in people and maintain decorum in offices.
  • Law is the total sum of rules and regulations by which a society is governed and is created by the people to regulate all persons.
  • Jurisprudence is defined as a system of laws and is the science of philosophy of laws.
  • Judicial Decisions are laws evolving from court decisions and only decisions of its Supreme Court establish jurisprudence and are binding on all other courts.
  • Jurisprudence is derived from the Latin term “juris prudentia” meaning the study of law.
  • Not adhering to these personal ethics may harm your professional reputation.
  • Personal ethics are incorporated by family, friends and surroundings since childhood.
  • Personal Ethics include your personal values and moral qualities.
  • Legislation (Statutory law) are laws enacted by any legislative body including Acts of Congress, municipal charters, municipal legislation, court rules, administrative rules and orders, legislative rules and presidential issuances.
  • Constitutional law is the “supreme law of the country” and establishes the general organization of the government, grants certain power to the government, and places limits on what government may do.
  • Examples of primary sources of Muslim law / Shariah are the Quran, Sunnaqh, Ijma and Qiyas.
  • Treaties and Convention have the same force of authority as statutes.
  • Primary Sources of Laws include Constitutional law, Legislation (Statutory law), Treaties and Convention, Judicial Decisions, and Customary Law.
  • Personal ethics are learned when you are a part of a professional setting or when you are being trained or educated for working there.
  • Customary Law forms part of the Filipino legal system and is recognized by the Constitution as the rights of indigenous cultural communities to preserve and develop their cultures, traditions and institutions.
  • Example topics of Applied ethics
    Capital punishment, abortion, war, animal rights
  • Justice: The concept of fairness, just desert, and entitlements in biomedical ethics.
  • Role Fidelity: Practitioners practicing faithfully within the constraints of their role in biomedical ethics.
  • RA 9994: "Senior Citizens Act of 2010"
  • RA 8423: "Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act of 1997"
  • Law is necessary for the enforcement of certain rules of human conduct
  • RA 3720: "The Food, Drugs, Devices and Cosmetics Act of 1982"