- provides defense against all the microorganisms and toxic cells
The Immune System
- a functional system
1. Nonspecific Immunity
- an innate reaction
- response against all kinds of pathogens
a. physical and chemical barriers
Prevent entry of pathogens
- Remove pathogens that pass thru barriers
Physical Barrier
1st major level of protection
Doderlein Bacili: a normal bacteria that lives on our body w/o causing disease
a. MucousMembranes
line all systems that open to outside of body
eye is protected by lacrimal apparatus
saliva in mouth allows continual flushing of bacteria to stomach
a. urine provides continual flushing of bacteria entering urethra
mostly neutrophils and macrophage (formed from monocytes) migrate to area of infection
Simple Phagocytosismany WBC’s travel through blood and tissues and gobble up bacteria and foreign material
. Chemotaxis
chemical attraction to invaders, microbial products, components of WBC’s or damaged cells
attachment to surface of foreign material may be hampered by capsules (eg. S. pneumonia, H. Influenza) or M proteins (eg. S. pyogenes)
Eosinophilscan produce toxinsmost active against parasitc worm
Natural Killer Cellsthe “pit bulls” of the defense systemanother kind of WBC; not phagocyticpolice the body in blood and lymphpromote cell lysis of virus infected cells or cancer cells
Inflammatory Responselarger response that prevents spread of infection from localized area
DAMAGE TO BODY’S TISSUES CAUSES:,redness, pain, heat and swelling sometimes loss of functionIf Nakita yang apat may darating na inflammatory response
Fever kapag nilalagnat may infectionNormal temp is 36 degrees Celsius to 37.4 degrees Celsius, pag 37.5 we have febrile or fever- systemic rather than local responseinvolves coordinated autonomic, neuroendocrine and behavioral responseused by all vertebrates as acute phase reaction to immune challenge
Interferon antiviral chemical secreted by infected cellsthey are host cell specific, not virus specific = different tissues in same host produce different interferons
Mode of transmissionThe way pathogen is spread from one host to anotherSuch as through droplets, contact or vectors
➢ functionally, the third line of defense against infections
➢ non innate, but adaptive:
carefully targeted or recognizes a specific foreign substance and acts to immobilize or neutralize it
2. amplifies the immune response, complement reactions, etc. against specific pathogen
antibodies are proteins called immunoglobins
- each immunoglobin molecule consists of 4 polypeptide chains joined together to form a “Y” shaped molecule
- most abundant antibody in plasma
- 75-80% of gamma globulin, abundant sa plasma but nakikita sa ibang organ
also found in internal secretions
- largest of the antibodies
- only found in blood
Ig A
- dimer, found in sevretions, in mucus
- 10-25% in serum
- also found in body secretions: mucus, saliva, urine, milk, tears
Ig E
- associated with allergies
- causes certain WBCs to release histamine
Ig D
- very low concentrations in serum
- levels increase during chronic infections
- immune response is triggered due to natural exposure to a pathogen
- naexpose ka
artificial (acquired) - bakunhan
- Immune response is triggered by a medical procedure, e.g., vaccination
exposure triggers body’s own immune response including memory cells
- more of artificial
- subject receives antibodies from another person or animal, rather than making them himself