Business 2.1:Motivating Employees

Cards (20)

  • Motivation = The desire to achieve a certain result or outcome
  • Time-based Wages = Wages can be calculated per hour, this makes it easy to calculate pay (bus driver, waiter) (financial)
  • Piece rate = Workers will be paid depending on the amount of product they make (production/factory workers) (financial)
  • Commission = A percentage of sales made by an employee is given as their wage (salesperson) (financial)
  • Salary = Workers are paid in timed intervals like months (office staff, teachers) (financial)
  • Profit sharing = Paid a share of profits in a addition to their basic salary, paid as a dividend (financial)
  • Performance related pay = Pay linked to effectiveness, used when output is hard to measure (teacher, manager) (financial)
  • Share ownership = Employees are given the opportunity to buy some shares of the business - this should encourage them to work harder to help the business succeed. (financial)
  • Job enrichment = Giving employees more responsibility and tasks so that they feel valued (Non-financial)
  • Fringe benefits = non-financial awards given to employees, many of these are valuable but no actual cash is paid (company car, free lunch, free child education, employee discount)
  • job satisfaction = the enjoyment derived from feeling that you have done a good job.
  • Job rotation = Job rotation involves swapping jobs and doing specific tasks for a period of time (Non-financial) (teacher teach diff subjects)
  • Job enlargement = involves doing more tasks of a similar skill and responsibility (non-financial)
  • Team working = involves giving a group of workers responsibility for particular process of task (non-financial)
  • Taylors scientific management
    Thought biggest motivator were financial motivators (money)
  • Maslows hierarchy of needs
    Thought there were more factors to motivate
    Maslows hierarchy: (sessp)
    1.Self actualisation (Promotion)
    2.Esteem needs (recognition & praise)
    3.Social needs (supportive work colleuges)
    4.Safety needs (job security)
    5.Physiological needs (food, rest)
  • Herzbergs 2-factor theory
    Thought humans have 2 sets of needs = Hygiene factors 'basic animal needs', motivators
    Motivations: Achievement, recognition, personal growth, promotion
    Hygiene factors: Job status, Job security, Working conditions, Salary
  • Financial motivators
    1. Wages
    2. Time rate
    3. Piece rate
    4. Profit sharing
    5. Performance related pay
    6. Share ownership
    7. Salaries
    8. Bonus
    9. Commission
  • Impacts of motivational strategies - Boost employees moral, cause less stress
  • Non-financial motivators: workers are motivated by more than just money