3.1.3 Nature vs Nurture

Cards (18)

  • Nature
    • Advocated by nativists (abilities & skills = native)
    • Descartes = human characteristics are innate and a result of heredity
    • Measured using heritability coefficient
  • Heritability coefficient
    • Numerical figure between 0 and 1
    • Measures extent to which characteristic has a genetic basis
    • 1 = entirely genetically determined
  • Plomin (1994): Nature
    • Figure for heritability in IQ is about 0.5
    • Implies both environment and genetics are important factors in intelligence
  • Topic for Nature
    • Biological explanations for OCD
    • Biological explanations for Aggression
    • Biological explanations for Schizophrenia
  • Nurture
    • Advocated by empiricists (Knowledge comes from senses)
    • Locke = mind is a blank slate (tabula rasa); learning is from environment alone
    • Influenced behaviourist approach
  • Topics for Nurture
    • Learning theory of Attachment
    • Two-process theory for Phobias
  • Relative Importance of heredity and environment
    • Environmental influence begins prenatally and immediately afterwards (eg smoking during pregnancy)
    • Nature & nurture are closely intertwined so it is hard to seperate them
  • Twin Studies
    • Provide good argument for nature
    • Difficult to say if high concordance rates are due to shared genetics or the shared upbringing
  • Examples of Topics with twin studies
    • OCD
    • Aggression
    • Schizophrenia
  • Shared and unshared environments (AO1/AO3)
    • Dunn & Plomin = individual differences mean that siblings may experience different life events (due to age or personality etc)
    • Explains why MZ twins do not show perfect concordance rates
    • Hard to seperate effects of heredity & environment
    • Psychologists consider relative contribution of influences
  • Interactionist Approach = N vs N debate considered too simplistic; psychologists have considered ways the two interact
  • Interactionist Approach: The diathesis-stress model
    • Predispositional vulnerability is unlocked by environmental stressors
    • Topic Examples: OCD, Schizophrenia, Aggression
  • Evidence for Diathesis-stress model: Tienari et al (2004)
    • Finnish Adoption study
    • More likely to have Schz if biological relatives had history of it
    • AND had dysfunctional relationships with their adoptive families
  • Epigenetics = the study of how environmental factors can alter gene expression without changing the genetic code; eg smoking, diet , war
  • Evidence for Epigenetics: Dias and Ressler (2014)
    • Gave male lab mice electric shocks each time they were exposed to a chemical (acetophenone)
    • Mice showed fear response when scent was present
    • Mice's children also feared the smell even though they had no previous exposure to acetophenone or electric shocks. 
  • Evaluation: Contructivism
    • Plomin (1994) - ‘niche picking’
    • Individuals seek their own ‘nurture’ by actively seeking environments (and people) that suit their own ‘nature’. 
    • Therefore, separating the two influences is impossible
  • Evaluation: Determinism
    • Taking either a solely nativist or empiricist stance is deterministic and controversial
    • Environmental or Biological determinism
  • Evaluation: Causal Relationships
    • Taking a purely nature or nurture stance can be helpful when trying to find cause and effect relationships. 
    • Isolate the effect of N/N
    • Can be used to develop treatment
    • BUT can be used to be applied to eugenics & scientific racism
    • Linking race to genetics & intelligence