ComparativeAnatomy is the description and comparison of structure of animals, and forms the basis for their classification
The lungs are cranial to the intestines
The intestines are caudal to the lungs
The cerebrum is rostral to the cerebellum
The kidneys are dorsal to the intestines
The intestines are ventral to the kidneys
The heart is medial to the lungs
The ribs are lateral to the lungs
The hoof is distal to the knee
The femur is deep to the quadriceps muscles
Prone refers to a position in which the dorsal aspect of the body or any extremity is uppermost
Supine refers to a position in which the ventral aspect of the body or palmar or plantar aspect of any extremity is uppermost
The general plan of construction is based on morphological principles: Zygomorphism, Metamerism, Tubulation, Stratification
Each animal can be divided into right and left halves or ANTIMERES
Principle of Zygomorphism: Paired or homotypical organs, unpaired organs, functional asymmetry
Ovulation in bovine occurs more frequently in the right ovary; in chicken in the left ovary and oviduct
Serial homology is the craniocaudal succession of similar homologous segments
Metamerism is a system of structures in which similar segments succeed each other craniocaudally. It is best seen in embryos and becomes less evident in adults
Principle of Tubulation determines the presence of a dorsal tube (neural tube) and ventral tube (gut) in the body of vertebrates
Variations is the slight deviations of the normal morphologic pattern of an organ
2 kinds of variations (Guyenot, 1950)
Somatic/Somations - appear in the body or soma of the animal and are not hereditary
Germinal or Mutations - occur in the germ cells and are hereditary
Variant is the deviated organ
The deviation can be:
An increase in the number of parts
Reduction of parts
Modification of form
Rudimentary - imperfectly developed; vestigial. A rudimentary organ may sometimes reach full development and become atrophied
Atrophy means a decrease in size of a normally developed organ or tissue
Variations can be found in deviations of:
Holotopy - the relation between the organ and the body as a whole, e.g heart-left side (right side, ectopic cordis)
Syntopy - the relation of the structure and its immediately adjacent organs e.g kidneys are bean-shaped or lobulated
Idiotopy - the relation of the parts of an organ among themselves, e.g digits/metatarsals
Histotopy - the relation of the layers, coats or tissues if an organ among themselves, e.g hyperkeratinization
Anomaly is a severe deviation for the normal pattern accompanied by alteration or impairment of function, e.g harelip, cleft palate, cervical rib in man
Monster/monstrosity is a severe anomaly, incompatible with life
Teratology is the study of the causes and effects of congenital malformations and developmental abnormalities
General factors of Variations:
The thymus grows until sexual maturity, and them becomes atrophied organ in a relatively short period
Abrasion is the modification of shape of the incisor crown in the equine, bovine, and carnivore
Presence of large numbers of horn rings in old bovine