They suggested that a disease was caused by “invisible living creatures”
Lucretius and Girolamo Fracastoro
He made the earliest microscopic observations on bees and weevils using a microscope probably supplied by Galileo
Francisco Stelluti
First true microbiologist
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
Father of protozoology and bacteriology.
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
He discovered animalcules
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
He used his self-made single lens microscopre with 50-300x magnification
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
Simpler invertebrates could arise from spontaneous generation
In 1668, he demonstrated that maggots do not arise spontaneously from decaying meat.
Francisco Redi
He observed that boiled mutton broth (tightly sealed) eventually became cloudy (after an hour) with microorganisms
John Needham
He proposed that organic matter possessed a vital force that could give rise to life
John Needham
He improved the previous experiments of Needham by using sealed boiled water and seeds
Lazzaro Spallanzi
He observed that no growth took place as long as the flasks remained sealed
Lazzaro Spallanzi
Living cells can rise only from preexisting living cells
He challenged spontaneous generation with the concept of biogenesis
Rudolf Virchow
He observed that no growth occurred in a flask containing nutrient solution after allowing air to pass through a red-hot tube
Theodore Schwann
He resolved the issue of spontaneous generation
Louis Pasteur
He stated that microorganisms are indeed present in the air and can contaminate seemingly sterile solutions, however the air itself does not create microbe
Louis Pasteur
He showed that microorganisms can be present in non-living matter (fomites)
Louis Pasteur
He started that microbial life can be destroyed by heat (basis of the aseptic technique)
Louis Pasteur
He showed that dust carry germs which contaminates sterile broth
John Tyndall
form of sterilization for three
consecutive days
Importance of oxygen to life
Antoine Laurent Lavoiser
Discovered Bacillus Anthracis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Robert Koch
He established the first proof that bacteria indeed cause disease
Robert Koch
He developed the antiseptic system of surgery
Joseph Lister
He demonstrated the used of phenol for treating surgical wounds and also sprayed phenol over the surgical area
Joseph Lister
pro in prokaryotes mean
karyon in prokaryotes mean
nucleus, nut, or kernel
What organism does not contain nucleus?
What organism does not contain organelles?
What is an example of prokaryotes?
The outermost structure of the bacterial cell
Cell envelope
Have a cell wall and plasmamembrane
Gram-positive bacteria
Have a cell wall, plasma membrane, outer membrane and periplasm
Gram-negative bacteria
The cell envelope plays a crucial role in protecting the cell from harsh conditions like
Halophiles and Thermophiles
Found only in gram-negative bacteria
Outer membrane
Structure of bacteria that is composed of lipopolysaccharide
Outer membrane
Structure of bacteria that has porins
What is a water-filled structure that allows the passage of water and nutrients
Structure of bacteria that is referred as the peptidoglycan or murein layer