Part 5

Cards (40)

  • autoriser à = to allow
  • autoriser à = to allow
  • la beauté = beauty
  • la beauté = beauty
  • agroalimentaire = food , agricultural
  • agroalimentaire = food , agricultural
  • L'ambiance = atmosphere
  • L'ambiance = atmosphere
  • assister à = to attend , to be present at
  • assister à = to attend , to be present at
  • se balader = to take a walk
  • se balader = to take a walk
  • la banalisation = rendering commonplace
  • la banalisation = rendering commonplace
  • la calèche = horse drawing carriage
  • la calèche = horse drawing carriage
  • une consommation exagérée = extreme consumption
  • une consommation exagérée = extreme consumption
  • la chantier = building site
  • la chantier = building site
  • cheminer = to walk the path of
  • cheminer = to walk the path of
  • le conférencier = speaker
  • le conférencier = speaker
  • les dégradations = damage
  • les dégradations = damage
  • la décennie = decade
  • la décennie = decade
  • le débouché = outlet , exit
  • le débouché = outlet , exit
  • la digue = sea wall
  • la digue = sea wall
  • la diversité culturelle = cultural diversity
  • la diversité culturelle = cultural diversity
  • L'engagement commun = common involvement / commitment
  • L'engagement commun = common involvement / commitment
  • emprunter un chemin = to take a route
  • emprunter un chemin = to take a route
  • L'endroit = site , place
  • L'endroit = site , place