1. Entrepreneurs

Cards (4)

  • What does it mean to be enterprising
    To be enterprising means to be able to spot a good business opportunity and have the vision and drive to make the business succeed. The entrepreneur has to be prepared to take calculated risks.
  • What are 3 characteristics of an entrepreneur
    An entrepreneur needs to have leadership qualities and planning skills
    An entrepreneur needs to have self confidence and passion about their venture
    An entrepreneur needs to be willing to take calculated business risks
  • Why does the government encourage enterprise
    The government encourages enterprise as it is it reduces unemployment this results in less unemployment benefits being paid out
    Another reason is that it provides fresh employment opportunities resulting in more income tax being paid
  •   Explain one nature and one reward of risk taking
    One nature of risk taking is stress it could cause health issues due to long hours and lack of sleep
    One reward of risk taking is independence and the ability to be your own boss and make all your own decisions