The Election of 1940:FDR (Democrat) vs. WindelWilkie (Republican)
FDRwon due to his experience with presidency itwas unique. this was the 1st time a president was elected for 3 terms
in a suprising move Hitler invaded the USSR in June 1941. This broke
the nonagression pact
the US sent weapons + supplies to the USSR. many US supply ships came under fire. FDR authorized ships to attack if they'd been attackedfirst. two ships that were attacked: the USS Kearny, USS RuebenJames. more than 100 americans died during these attacks
Atlantic Charter: in August 1941, FDR+ Churchill secretly met on a US battleship called "Augusta" to plan on how to defeat Germany. They sent the charter to the allied countries.
the relationship between the US+ Japan was strained. the US was upset that Japan invaded China. The new Japanese emperor HeroHito wouldn’t back down to US warnings.
On December 7th, 1941, 180Japanese war planes attacked a US military base at 7:30 AM at Pearl Harbor in the HawaiianIslands. The attack lasted 2 hours. FDR went to Congress+ the US declared war on Japan.
Results of the attack: 1178 wounded
2403 americans killed
300 planes destroyed
21 ships (8 US battleships) destroyed
FDR Quote: December7th1941 is a date which will live in infamy
FDR‘s biggest concern was fighting a war on twofronts.3 days later Germany+ Italy declared war on the US