RHEUMATIC HEART DISEASE - damage to the heart that remains after an ARF episode has resolved
RHEUMATIC HEART DISEASE - It is caused by an episode or recurrent episodes of ARF. Heart has become inflamed
ACUTE RHEUMATIC FEVER - An illness caused by a reaction to a bacterial infection with group A streptococcus
ACUTE RHEUMATIC FEVER - It causes an acute, generalized inflammatory response. An illness that targets specific parts of the body (heart, joints, brain and skin)
ACUTE RHEUMATIC FEVER - leaves no lasting damage to the brain, joints or skin BUT can cause persisting heart damage---‘rheumatic heart disease’ (RHD)
Dyspnea. Most dangerous time (28 to 32 weeks). Cardiac output falls (vital organs even the placenta is no longer perfused adequately)
Preventing recurrences of ARF, prophylactic treatment with penicillin
DIABETES MELLITUS - An endocrine disorder in which the pancreas cannot produce adequate insulin to regulate body glucose levels. Affects 3-5% of all pregnancies
DIABETES MELLITUS - Most frequently seen medical conditions in pregnancy
Type 1 - Insulin - dependent DM
Type 2 - Non-insulin- dependent DM
GESTATIONAL DM - Abnormal glucose metabolism that arises during pregnancy. Symptoms fade again at the completion of pregnancy
IMPAIRED GLUCOSE HOMEOSTASIS - A state between “normal” and “diabetes”. Body is no longer using and/or secreting insulin properlY
Develops insulin resistance due to the presence of human placental lactogen.
Placental insulinase - cause increased breakdown of insulin. Helpful (prevents blood glucose from falling to dangerous limits)
Polyuria - excessive urination
Polydipsia - excessive thirst
Polyphagia - excessive or extreme hunger
Macrosomic - Large for gestational age
caudal regression syndrome - failure of the lower extremities to develop
MARIJUANA - Contains toxins that keep your baby from getting the proper supply of oxygen. Increases the levels of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide in the blood
The elimination of cocaine is slower in a fetus than in an adult.
Mothers who inject narcotics are more susceptible to HIV
PCP & LSD - They are hallucinogens. Users can behave violently
METHAMPHETAMINE - causes the heart rate of the mother and baby to increase
ALCOHOL - can permanently damage baby's cells. Can damage baby's nervous system
HIV - a virus that weakens the body's immune system
AIDS - a disease that hurts the body's ability to fight infection and certain cancers
Hemolytic anemia - This is the cause when antibodies of an Rh sensitized woman crosses the placenta and will attack the blood of an Rh (+) fetus. It destroy fetal RBC
Rh Immunoglobulin - Preventive measure should be given to the Rh (-) mother before second pregnancy to prevent Rh disease
Rh Immunoglobulin - Prevents production of Rh antibodies. Not helpful to mothers who are already sensitized
Microcytic - small RBC
Hypochromic - less hgb RBC
pica - craving and eating of substances
PREVENTION Iron supplemental vitamins of 60 mg elemental iron
DIAGNOSED 120 to 200 mg elemental iron/day
hydantoin - anticonvulsant agent that interferes with folate absorption
MEGALOBLASTIC ANEMIA - enlarged RBC. Elevated mean corpuscular volume
PREVENTION: women expecting to be pregnant . Supplements of 400 microgram folic acid daily