Chap 1 - Psych Assessment

Cards (52)

  • Utility is the usefulness of the test.
  • Accommodation in testing is the adaptation of a test, procedure, or situation, or the substitution of one test for another, to make the assessment more suitable for an assessee with exceptional needs.
  • Achievement test evaluates accomplishment or the degree of learning that has taken place.
  • Alternate assessment is an evaluative or diagnostic procedure or process that varies from the usual, customary, or standardized way a measurement is derived, either by virtue of some special accommodation made to the assessee or by means of alternative methods designed to measure the same variable(s).
  • Behavioral observation is defined as monitoring the actions of others or oneself by visual or electronic means while recording quantitative and/or qualitative information regarding those actions.
  • CAPA refers to the term computer-assisted psychological assessment.
  • CAT stands for computer adaptive testing.
  • Case history or case study as a report or illustrative account concerning a person or an event that was compiled on the basis of case history data.
  • Case history data refers to records, transcripts, and other accounts in written, pictorial, or other form that preserve archival information, official and informal accounts, and other data and items relevant to an assessee.
  • Central processing is done is some central location.
  • Collaborative psychological assessment, the assessor and assessee may work as “partners” from initial contact through final feedback.
  • Consultative report is a type of report, usually written in language appropriate for communication between assessment professionals, may provide expert opinion concerning analysis of the data.
  • Cut score (also referred to as a cutoff score or simply a cutoff) is a reference point, usually numerical, derived by judgment and used to divide a set of data into two or more classifications.
  • Dementia is a loss of cognitive functioning (which may affect memory, thinking, reasoning, psychomotor speed, attention, and related abilities, as well as personality) that occurs as the result of damage to or loss of brain cells.
  • Diagnosis may be defined as a description or conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and opinion.
  • Diagnostic test refers to a tool of assessment used to help narrow down and identify areas of deficit to be targeted for intervention.
  • Dynamic assessment refers to an interactive approach to psychological assessment that usually follows a model of (1) evaluation, (2) intervention of some sort, and (3) evaluation.
  • Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) refers to the “in the moment” evaluation of specific problems and related cognitive and behavioral variables at the exact time and place that they occur.
  • Educational assessment refers to, broadly speaking, the use of tests and other tools to evaluate abilities and skills relevant to success or failure in a school or pre-school context.
  • Extended scoring report includes statistical analyses of the testtaker’s performance.
  • Format pertains to the form, plan, structure, arrangement, and layout of test items as well as to related considerations such as time limits.
  • Format is also used to refer to the form in which a test is administered: computerized, pencil-andpaper, or some other form.
  • Groupthink arises as a result of the varied forces that drive decision-makers to reach a consensus (such as the motivation to reach a compromise in positions).
  • Test catalogue contains the brief description of the test and seldom contain the kind of detailed technical information that a prospective user might require.
  • Q-Interactive is a specific brand of CAPA available from Pearson Assessments, which allows test users to administer tests by means of two iPads connected by bluetooth (one for the test administrator and one for the testtaker).
  • Testtaker is the patient or client who takes the test.
  • Rapport may be defined as a working relationship between the examiner and the examinee.
  • Quality of life are variables related to perceived stress, loneliness, sources of satisfaction, personal values, quality of living conditions, and quality of friendships and other social support.
  • Role-play test is a tool of assessment wherein assessees are directed to act as if they were in a particular situation.
  • Test-related data may be sent to and returned from a central facility by means of the Internet, phone lines (teleprocessing).
  • Scoring is the process of assigning such evaluative codes or statements to performance on tests, tasks, interviews, or other behavior samples.
  • Naturalistic observation is a variety of behavioral observation that occurs in a natural setting, the setting in which the behavior would typically be expected to occur.
  • Psychological test refers to a device or procedure designed to measure variables related to psychology (such as intelligence, personality, aptitude, interests, attitudes, or values).
  • Psychological testing is the process of measuring psychology-related variables by means of devices or procedures designed to obtain a sample of behavior.
  • Test users are professionals, including clinicians, counselors, school psychologists, human resources
  • Health psychology is a discipline that focuses on understanding the role of psychological variables in the onset, course, treatment, and prevention of illness, disease, and disability
  • Psychometrist and psychometrician refer to a professional who uses, analyzes, and interprets psychological test data.
  • Retrospective assessment is the use of evaluative tools to draw conclusions about psychological aspects of a person as they existed at some point in time prior to the assessment.
  • Portfolio is a sample of one’s ability and accomplishment.
  • Test manual contains Detailed information concerning the development of a particular test and technical information relating to it.