Cards (32)

  • it is to discover again
    What is research?
  • SEARCH - to look into an entity for a discovery
    RE- again; back
  • “Research follows a step-by-step process of investigation“
    polit & beck, 2004
  • “Research’s main purpose is to answer a question or to solve an issue“
    Palispis, 2004
  • “Research is a continuous undertaking of making known of the unknown”
  • S - specific
    M - measurable
    A - attainable
    R - realistic
    T - time-bound
    Research is supposed to be SMART
    • to produce evidence-based practice
    • to establish credibility in the profession
    • to observe accountability for the profession
    • to promote cost-effectiveness through documentation 

    Goals for conducting a research
    • as principal investigator
    • as a member of a research team
    • as identifier of researchable problems
    • as evaluator of research findings
    • as subject/ respondent/ participant
    Roles as a researcher
    • provide a scientific basis
    • for the continuous development
    • helps develop tools
    • provides solution to problems
    • impacts decision-making
    • evaluates alternative approaches
    • for personal and professional qualifications
    Why do we need to conduct a research study
  • Quantitative research focuses on collecting numerical data using statistical analysis techniques, while qualitative research relies more on non-numerical data like interviews, observations, and case studies.
  • An outline; the backbone to make an effective output 

    Research paradigm
  • The basics; Chapter 1 (introduction) & chapter 2 (rrl)

    Research foundation
  • Chapter 4 (main idea) chapter 5(analysis - interpretation) chapter 6 (conclusion )

    Research methodology
  • Scientific research is a research metho that seeks to explain naturally occuring credible theories (scientific - quantitative -> IP)

    General forms of research
  • Research in humanities seeks to define the purpose of human existence by tapping into historical facts and future possibilities (humannitie- qulitative-interview)
    General forms of research
  • Artistic research provides alternative approaches to substitute for fundamental and theoretical ones, innovation (artistic research - impact project)

    General forms of research
  • Action research - follows a cyclical process, it is pragmatic and solution-driven
    Research design
  • descriptive design - answers "w" questions related to a particular research option
  • experimental design - controls the factors and variables related to a certain phenomena
  • exploratory design - to gain information and insights that can be used for later researchers
  • cohort design - identifies a group of people sharing the same characteristics who are then studied for a period of time
  • cross-section design - talks about individuals with different characteristics
  • longitudinal design - follows a group of people over a long period of time
  • sequential design - carried out in stages to gather sufficient data to test the hypothesis
  • mixed method design - combines aspects of various research designs and methods (quanti-quali methods)
  • Research method - determines the approach of the research
  • Quantitative research
    • aims to characterize trends and patterns
    • you follow a structure
    • usually starts with either a theory or hypothesis about the relationship between two or more variables
    • uses structured research (questioniares, surveys)
    • uses large samples to represent a population
    • who, what, where
    • understands more on the similarities of the data
    • focused on experiments
  • Qualitative research
    • involves feelings and motives
    • produces holistic and in-depth data
    • focused on generating a hypothesis from the data rather than testing it
    • uses small sample as representatives for a population
    • how, what, why
    • flexible
    • focused on case-study
  • technical aspects of qualitative research
    • should end with an open ended response
    • 10-15 people (45-240 mins)
    • validity, descriptions only
    • outlier - above aveage data (normally distributed data-statistics)
  • promotes the pursuit of knowledg, truth, and credibility. It fosters the values that are needed in collaborative work. (Resnik, 2007)
    Ethics in research
    • voluntary participation
    • informed consent
    • risk of harm
    • confidentiality
    • anonymity
    Rights of a participants
    • findings should be reported with complete honesty
    • intentional misinterpretation, misinformation, and misleading claims must be avoided
    • appropriate credits should be given when using other people’s work
    • acknowledge all content belonging to others 

    Ethical standards in research writing