Axial skeleton- Is the vertebral column, ribs, and sternum as well as the skull.
Co-contraction- simultaneous activation of agonist and antagonist muscles, that contribute to static and dynamic stability for occupational performance
Spine- the entire neck and back
Core- back, abdomen, thorax, and pelvis
Kyphosis- curves outward
Lordosis- curves inward
Abdominal wall- serves as a anterior musculature support for the trunk and counterbalance to the erector spine
Thoracic outlet syndrome- a condition in which the brachial plexus/ vascular structures are compressed in the neck or axilla area.
Intra-abdominal pressure- Stabilizes the lumbar spine for lifting and facilitates respiration, childbirth, and defecation.
Atlantooccipital joint: interface between skull and vertebral column, “yes” joint it provides the flexion and extension of head.
Atlantoaxial joint: “no” joint, rotation of head, formed by odontoid process extending vertically through the anterior arch and transverse ligament of axis.
Interbody joints: consists of adjacent vertebral bodies vertically aligned, with intervertebral discs acting as a cushion between the two weight bearing surfaces.
Zygapophyseal (facet) joints: superior and inferior faucets of adjacent joints on either side of vertebrae. Surrounded by joint capsules they allow for small motion between vertebrae.
Costal Joints (costovertebraeal/costotransversal joints): connect vertebral body and transverse process respectively.
Sternalcostal joints: are connections between ribs and sternum
1) What are the three muscles of the erector spinae group
Iliocostalis, Longissimus, Spinalis
What are the motions the erector spinae muscles produce Include the plane and axis this movement occurs on
Unilaterally: Laterally flex vertebral column to the same side (Frontal plane/ Sagittal axis). Bilaterally: Extend the vertebral column.
Name two purposeful movements that the erector spinae produces
Picking up toddler/ putting on socks.
What are the three muscles of the transversospinalis group
Multifidi, Rotatores, Semispinalis capitis.
What are the motions the transversespinalis muscles produce Include the plane and axis this movement occurs on
Multifidi and Rotatores- unilaterally: rotate the vertebral column to opposite side. Bilaterally: extend vertebral column( Transverse plane/ Vertical axis). Semispinalis capitis: Extends the vertebral column and head.
1) Name two purposeful movements that the transversalspinalis group produces
Tai chi/ yoga
What are the two muscles of the splenii group
Splenius capitis
Splenius cervicis
What are the motions the splenii muscles produce Include the plane and axis this movement occurs on
Unilaterally: rotate the head and neck to the same side (Transverse plane/ Vertical axis), Laterally flex the head and neck to the same side (Frontal Plane/ Sagittal axis). Bilaterally: Extend head and neck (Sagittal plane/Frontal axis).
Name two purposeful movements that the splenii group
Looking both ways when crossing a road/peeking your head around a corner
What are the muscles of the suboccipital group
Rectus capitis posterior major
Rectus capitis posterior minor
Oblique capitis superior
Oblique capitis inferior
What are the motions the suboccipital muscles produce Include the plane and axis this movement occurs on
Rectus capitis posterior major/minor and oblique capitis superior, rock and tilt the head back into extension (Frontal, Sagittal planes/ Frontal, Sagittal axis). Rectus capitis inferior/ oblique capitis inferior rotate the head to the same side (Transverse plane/ vertical axis). Oblique capitis superior laterally flex the head to the same side (Frontal plane/Sagittal axis).
Name two purposeful movements that the subocciptial group produces
Reading a book/ looking at a computer
What are the muscles of the scalene group
What are the motions the scalene muscles produce Include the plane and axis this movement occurs on
Anterior, medial, posterior - Unilaterally: with fixed ribs laterally flex the head and neck to the same side, rotate head and neck to the opposite side (frontal plane/ sagittal axis). Bilaterally: elevate ribs during inhalation/flex the back of neck and head (Sagittal plane/Frontal axis, Vertical axis)
Name two purposeful movements that the scalene group produces
Driving/ Exercise that involves deep breathing
What are the muscles of the abdominal wall
Rectus abdominus
External oblique
Internal oblique
Transverse abdominus
What are the motions the abdominal wall muscles produce Include the plane and axis this movement occurs on