The Lower Don Valley is located in the North East region of Sheffield, a city in the North of England within the county of Yorkshire. Sheffield borders the Peak District and Rotherham.
LDV Fell into economic decline (1800-1970s) due to steelworks closing down, leading to a loss of jobs. It became cheaper to import items than to produce them. Factories became abandoned, and derelict, contributing to the poor environment. People moved away.
LDV economic decline - less factories - impacts:
less air pollution
less noise pollution
less river pollution
city becomes closer to net zero carbon emissions
environment helped
negative social impact, high unemployment, people emigrate (leave) for better job opportunities and better quality of life
Abandoned warehouses getting repurposed - e.g. The House Skatepark
Tinsley Wire Factory -> repurposed to IKEA
Hadfield Steelworks -> repurposed to Meadowhall
The land will be cheaper as they are brownfield plots - abandoned, disregarded.
LDV has a good transport network - trains and trams - Meadowhall
in the future, there is a chance of bigger supermarkets moving into the area