Plants have two separate types of transparent vessels- xylem and phloem- for transporting stuff around. both types of vessels go to everypart of the plant in a continuoussystem but they’re totally separate.
Made of columns of living cells called sieve tube elements.
These have perforated end-plates to allow stuff to flow through.
Sieve tube elements have nonucleus. This means that they cantsurvive on their own, so each sieve tube element has a companion cell. These cells carry out the livingfunctions for both themselves and their sieve cells.
Phloem vessels transport foodsubstances (mainly sugars) both up and down the stem to growing and storage tissues. This movement of food substances around the plant is known as translocation.
PhloemTubes Transport Food
Xylemtubes Take water UP
Made of dead cells joined end to end with no end walls between them and a hole (lumen) down the middle.
The thicksidewalls are made of cellulose. They're strong and stiff, which gives the plant support. The cell walls are also strengthened with a material called lignin.
They carry water and minerals from the roots up the shoot to the leaves in the transpiration stream (see below).