The Philippines is located at the Pacific Ring of Fire, making it prone to earthquakes.
The dimineshed capacity of an individual or group to anticipate, cope with, resist and recover from the impact o a natural or man-made hazard
Proximity to a hazard event
An area frequentent by a certain hazard predisposes it to high vulnerability
Population density near hazard event
Refers to the number of individuals inhabiting a particular space at the same time
Capacity & efficiency to reduce disaster risk
The capacity of a community to reduce disaster risk includes the accessiblity and availability of services and facilities that help in preparing for or during disasters
Building codes and disaster policies
Building and other structures may increase disaster risk in the design and contruction of building, possible hazard should be
Physical Elements
these are elements that are tangible and other or can be visually seen landscapes, inhabitants, building and other
Environmental Elements
These elements include the ecosystems and the narutal processes that are exposed to hazard events relationship of hazards , exposure and vulnerabilities a hazard can lead into a disaster in a community i
A coastal community that is frequented by storms
This would mean probably mean that the community is located within the typhoon belt it receives more rain and typhoons in a year
Rain and typhoons has high exposure to a storm
Typhoon and is deemed to the high vulnerability
to he same hazard, it is more likely to experience disaster
Shaking or trembling o the crust cause by underground volcanic eruption or by breaking and shifting o rocks beneath the surface
It creates seismic waves
these are fracture in rocks along which movement has occured
the rocks layer are being pulled apart during diastrophism
The movement and deformation of earth's crust
The point where an earthquake ruptures and rocks break
the point on earth's surface directly above the focus
Seismic Waves
Are waves of energy caused by sudden breaking of rocks within earth or an explosion
Total energy release during an earthquake
Ricther scale used to check the size or magnitude of an earthquake
Gives the amount of shaking that people experience or the degree of damage it caused to the area
The one that studies earthquake are called?
The device they used is called?
The study of earthquake is called?
Are the structures where there is displacement. It produces shallow earthquake
Is does not produce earthquake
According to PHIVOLCS our country has several faults lines and trenches
Philippine institute of volcanology and seismology
Countries along the earthquakes belt
North and south America
New Zealand
Surface Causes
Explosion, Landslide, Slip on steep coast, dashing o sea waves, avalanche, railway trains, heavy trucks some large engineering projects cause minor tremors some o them are made others are natural. What Causes is this?
Volcanic Causes
Volcanic Eruptions Produce Earthquakes May Precede, accompany and frequently. What causes is this?
Tectonic Causes
Is is the structural disturbances resulting in the parts o lithosphere is the main cause o this type o earthquake. What Causes this?
Seismic Waves
Energy that travels through earth and is recorded on seismograph
Body Waves
Travels through the interior (body) of earth as they leave the focus
Surface Waves
This Waves travels parallel to the earth's surface and these waves are slowest yet the most damaging type of wave
disaster - a sudden and serious disruption of the normal functioning of a community or society, resulting in loss of life or injury, damage to property, and economic losses
disaster - pangmalawakang epekto
hazards - a threat or harm that has a potential to cause damage
two types of hazards: natural and man-made
disaster - any event that causes widespread human, economic, and environmental losses or impacts that seriously disrupt the normal function of a community
disaster risk - maybe specific to a location or condition of a community