consist of electronic devices and systems that generate, process and store data- DTs include social media, online gaming and mobile devices
cognitive bias
illogical, systematic thinking that negatively affects decision-making
confirmation bias
a type of cognitive bias that involves favouring information that confirms your previously existing beliefs or biases
availability heuristic
a mental shortcut that relies on immediate examples that come to a given persons mind when evaluating a specific topic, concept, method or decision.
cognitive processing
any of the mental functions assumed to be involved in the acquisation, storage, interpretation, manipularion, transformation and use of knowledge
the process of encoding, storing and retrieving of information
a mental representation based on prior knowledge
Using an existingschema to deal with a new object or event
changing an existing schema or developing a new schema when it cant adequately explain a new object or event
transactive memory
a system in which information to be remembered is distributed among various members of a group, who can then each be relied on to provide that information when it is needed.
a feeling comprising of physiological, behavioral and cognitive reactions to an event
cognitive flexibility
ability to switch between thinking about 2 different concepts and thinking aboutmultiple concepts simultaneously