Cards (21)

  • a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease orinfirmary?
  • seen as a resource for everyday life, not theobjective of living?
  • comprising consciously constructedopportunities for learning involving some formof communication designed to improve healthliteracy, including improving knowledge, anddeveloping life skills which are conducive toindividual and community health?
    health education
  • any planned combination of learningexperiences designed to predispose, enable, andreinforce voluntary behavior conducive to healthin individuals, groups, and communities?
    health education
  • who said that health education is any planned combination of learningexperiences designed to predispose, enable, andreinforce voluntary behavior conducive to healthin individuals, groups, and communities?
    green and kreuter 2005
  • enables people to increase control over theirown health?
    health promotion
  • 3 pillars of health promotion?
    good governance
    healthy cities
    health literacy
  • Strengthening governance and policies to make healthy choices accessible and affordable to all, and to create sustainable systems that make whole-of-society collaboration real?
    good governance
  • Creating greener cities that enable people to live, work and play in harmony and good health?
    healthy cities
  • Increasing knowledge & social skills to help people to make the healthiest choices and decisions for their families and themselves?
    health literacy
  • establishes and maintain conditions to minimise hazards of health?
    primordial prevention
  • prevent disease before it develops?
    primary prevention
  • early detection of disease?
    secondary prevention
  • treat established disease to prevent deterioration?
    tertiary prevention
  • Planned, organized, and structured activities overtime that focus on helping individuals make informeddecisions about their health?
    health promotion programs
  • Promotes policies, environmental, regulatory,organizational, and legislative changes at variouslevels?
    health promotion programs
  • sanitation and infectiousdiseases?
    19th century
  • unhealthy lifestyle?
    lalonde report
  • lalonde framework states that health is the outcome of?
    human biology
    health care organization
  • stakeholders in hpp?
    funding agencies
    program participants
    significant others
    health practitioners
  • product of deliberate effort and work bystakeholders to address a health concern?
    health promotion programs