‘ won’t be a carer any more come the end of they year, and though I’ve got a lot out of it, I have to admit I’ll welcome the chance to rest - to stop and think and remember‘ - Kathy
'We were all so young then that we didn’t know what we wanted or needed' - Kathy
'The donors are like animals really, aren’t they? They’re not human at all' - Ruth
'They told us we could do anything we liked with our time as long as we kept up our work' - Kathy
'She said she thought about me sometimes too, but never as much as I did her' - Tommy
'She looked older than the others, more tired too' - Kathy about Miss Emily
‘Your art, it is important. And not just because it’s evidence. But for your own sake. You’ll get a lot from it, just for yourself’ - Miss Lucy to Tommy
‘None of you will go to America, none of you will become film stars. And none of you will be working in supermarkets‘ - Miss Lucy
‘Your lives are set out for you’ - Miss Lucy
‘We were likechildrenplayingatbeinggrownup’ - Kathy
‘We were all very close then, we had been through everything together’ - Kathy
‘There wasn’tanypointpretending we weren’t goingtodie’ - Ruth
’I was pretty much ready to become a donor. It felt right. After all it’s what we’re supposed to be doing, isn‘t it?’ - Ruth
‘It should have been you two. I’m not pretending I didn’t always see that’ - Ruth to Kathy and Tommy
‘What I want is for you to putitright. Put right what Imessedupforyou’ - Ruth
‘There have been times over the years when I’ve tried to leave Hailsham behind… But then came a point when I just stopped resisting’ - Kathy
‘It seemed like wewereholdingontoeachother because that was the only way to stopus being sweptaway into the night‘ -Kathy and Tommy standing on the hill
‘You’ve been told and not told’ - Miss Lucy
‘You poor creatures‘ - Madame
‘This was a long time ago so I may have got some of it wrong’ - Kathy
‘We kept things from you, lied to you. Yes in manywayswefooledyou… but we sheltered you during those years‘ - Miss Emily
‘We’re modelledfromtrash‘ - Ruth
‘There was nodoubtshewastheleader‘ - Kathy about Ruth
‘Tommy and I were madeforeachother‘ - Ruth
‘It shouldhavebeenyoutwo’ - Ruth
‘The world didn’t’ want to be reminded of how the donation programme really worked’ - Miss Emily
‘The memories I value most, I don’t see them fading’ - Kathy
‘I lost Ruth then I lost Tommy, but Iwon’tlose my memories of them’ - Kathy
‘It’s not what people do out there in normal life‘ - Kathy to Ruth
‘I still see things that remind me of Hailsham‘ - Kathy
‘We took away yourart because wethought it would revealyoursouls’ - Miss Emily
‘Raging, shouting, flinging his fists and kicking‘ - Tommy’s tantrum after learning of deferrals
’It’s not just me, Sweety, Kathy here finds your animals a complete hoot’ - Ruth to Tommy
‘Look Tom y you’ve got to understand’ Ruth went on. ‘If Kathy and I have a good laugh about you, it doesn’t really matter. Because that’s just us. But please, let’s not bring everyone else in on it‘ - Ruth to Tommy
‘I’m not even asking you to forgive me about that. God I’ve said all this in my head so many times. I can’t believe I’m really doinng it. It should have been you two’ - Ruth