Predestination; nothing takes place purely by chance. God wills all future events
Belief in the Afterlife
Angels of God who are creaed to interact with humans bringing his divine messages
Imam (Shia)
12 or 7 figures in Shia Islam who are seen as holy figures who were all divinely appointed as members of Muhammads descendants
Imam (Sunni)
A local Sunni leader in the Mosque who has been elected by the community to lead worship
Fourth Khalif of Islam; converted to Islam when he was just 10. He was the adopted son of Muhammad. His followers (Shias) believed in a dynastic patrelineal form of leadership.
The third Khalif of Islam
The second Khalif who was converted to Islam by his sister Fatimah. He intended to kill Muhammad but when he read the Quran he was so moved he converted.
Abu Bakr
A close companion of the prophet Muhammad; he was picked over Ali due to his senority. He was the first Khalif.
succesor; after Muhammad 4 Khalifs governed the Muslims
Those of the house of Ali; and form the 10% minority of modern day Muslims
One who follows the Sunnah; form 90% of modern Muslims
The Hadith
An account describing the words and actions of the Prophet Muhammad; Written by his family and friends
The Sunnah
A record of all that Muhammad said and did; Muhammads model life
A person who has memorised the whole Qu'ran in Arabic
Means recitaion; revealed to the prophet Muhammad and is the holy book of Islam. Believed to be the actual words of Allah.
Means submission or peace
Pigrimage to Makkah
Fasting during the month of Ramadan
Means to purify or cleanse; involves giving 2.5% of money to people in need
Prayer; praying 5 times a day
The call to prayer
A decleration of faith which reads "I bear witness that none deserves worship except God, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God."
Means 'Community' The worldwide community of Muslims who share a common religious identity
Shariah law
The straight path; A way of life; Muslims belive that God had a clear path for Muslims to live. It is a set of moral and religious rules that put the principles of the Qu'ran and the Hadith into practise
A place of prostration; a communal place of worship for a Muslim community
Lesser Jihad
A physical struggle or Holy War in defense of Islam
Greater Jihad
The daily struggle and the inner spiritual striving to live as a Muslim
'To strive'; it means to do what is right, for God
Forbidden actions or things within Islam, such as eating forbidden foods
Permitted actions or things within Islam, such as eating permitted foods
The term used for the messengers of God, beginning with Adam and ending with the Prophet Muhammad
The basic belief in the oneness of God
The worldwide church
a collection of unconnected organizations that are linked to the ecumenical movement