managment styles

Cards (21)

  • management style
    Management style is the manner and approach adopted by a manager when giving direction and motivation to employees”
  • autocratic
    Autocratic“manager makes all decisions and tells employees what will happen”
  • autocratic characteristics
    centralised decision making
    one way communication
    very little employee involvement
    task oriented dont care abt employee
    for high risk situations or inexperienced staff
  • autocratic advantages 

    Quick decision-making as it involves only one person
    experienced person make decision
    expectations of employees are defined and clear
    top priority for productivity and efficiency
  • autocratic disadvantage
    lack of multiple suggestions or solution to problem

    employee feel unvalued

    create feeling of unease us vs them

    no employee feedback valuable insight lost
  • persuasive
    manager makes decisions, then convinces employees that it’s the right decision
  • persuasive characteristics
    centralised decision making
    one way communication
    no employee involvement
    task oriented with some concern for employee
    staff inexperience suited situation
  • persuasive advantage
    Quick decision-making as it involves only one person
    most experienced decision maker
    Roles and expectations of employees are defined and clear
    Employees likely to support decision when they know why it is made
  • persuasive disadvantage
    Lack of multiple suggestions or solutions to problem
    employee unvalued
    us vs them feeling
    no employee feedback valuable insight lost
  • consultative
    takes into account the opinions of team members when making a decision”
  • consultative characteristics
    •Centralised decision-making
    medium employee involvment
    task AND employee focused
    suits where employees are knowledgeable
  • consultative advantage
    Concise decision-making as it involves only one person
    get variety of ideas from suggestions
    Motivates employees as they are involved in suggesting solutions
    foster culture of continuous improvement if they know they will be consulted
  • consultative disadvantage
    Employees may not understand complexity of problem
    takes long time to talk to staff
    if employees suggestion not used then staff annoyed
    lead to conflicting ideas from employees
  • participative
    management and employees discuss problems and come up with decisions together”
  • participative characteristics
    •Decentralised decision-making
    two way communication
    employee focused
    suits teams of highly qualified and experienced small teams
  • participative advantage
    Employees feel valued and sense of ownership as they make the decisions
    Empowerment and coaching encourages opportunities for employee development
    Many ideas and suggestions put forward to problems by knowledgeable staff
    Employees likely to actively support and work to achieve decisions they made
  • participative disadvantage
    take long time
    lead to conflict if they dont agree
    not all employees want to be responsible for decision making
    employees need to be similar skill level and respect others abilities
  • laissez faire
    hands-off’ approach to management. Employees are allowed to approach problems and tasks in their own way.
  • laissez faire characteristics
    •Decentralised decision-making
    two way communication
    employee focused
    small teams who are highly qualified and experienced
  • laissez advantage
    Employees feel valued and sense of ownership as they make the decisions
    Encourages high level communication of ideas
    Good environment for fostering creativity and innovation
    Employees likely to actively support and work to achieve decisions they made
  • laissez faire disadvantage
    lack of guidance can lead to loss of direction for employee
    lead to conflict if employees dont agree
    need to be highly motivated to work
    lead to employee pursuing own goal and working towards objectives of bus