means to recognize the value, importance, or quality of something or someone.
appropriate- lämplig
To say that something is suitable or fitting for a specific situation or person.
awkward- besvärlig
A word we can use to describe a situation or interaction that feels uncomfortable, embarrassing, or socially uncomfortable.
complicated- komplicerad
Refers to something that is difficult to understand or deal with. It can describe a situation, relationship, or task that is complex and not easily resolved or simplified.
cue- tecken
A signal or hint that tells you what to do or expect in a certain situation.
crisis- kris
A situation or event that is extremely difficult or dangerous, often involving a sudden and intense disruption.
oppose- motsätta
To be against or to resist something or someone. It's when you express disagreement or actively work against something.
particularly- särskilt
Means specifically or especially. It's like highlighting or emphasizing a specific aspect or quality of something.
prevent- förhindra
Means to stop something from happening or to keep it from occurring. It's like taking action to avoid a certain event or outcome. It's when you try to keep something from taking place or to keep it under control.
provoke- provocera
Means to intentionally make someone or something react or respond in a strong or emotional way. It's like pushing someone's buttons or deliberately trying to get a rise out of them.
struggle- kamp
Refers to facing difficulties or challenges while trying to achieve or accomplish something.
symbolize- symbolisera
It's like using a visual or conceptual representation to convey a particular meaning or concept. For example using a metaphor or an emblem to express a deeper idea or message.