
Cards (4)

  • bandura: background: the behaviourist perspective suggests that all behavior is learned directly through experienc.
    • classical conditioning = born with stimulus response links.
    • operant conditioning = any action that produces pleasant consequences is likely to be repeated, unpleasent consequences less likely to be be repeated.
    • social learning theory = people observe role models and imitate this behaviour.
    crucial test of imitative learning is to see whether the child will generalise the learning when model is absent.
  • bandura: the aim was to investigate whether children will imitate aggression, specifically will the imitate specific acts of aggression and behave in a more aggressive manner.
  • bandura: lab experiment
    IV = aggressive or non- aggressive model, gender of model and gender of child.
    DV: imitation of aggressive acts/behaviour observed in the playroom.
  • bandura: study used a matched pairs design and observational techniques.
    p’ were matched in terms of aggressiveness.