(September 9-10, 1914) Marne: successful communication and cooperation led to allied victory
(August 30, 1914) Tannenberg: bad communication led to russian loss - germans reassembled 8th army but poor communication meant russian armies could not support each other.
Similarities 2.
Initial German Involvement:
(September 5-6, 1914) Marne: German forces moved quickly wanting to break through and capture Paris.
(August 23, 1914) Tanneberg: eliminating Russian threat inEast Prussia, HindenburgandLudendorffarrive inEast Prussia, signaling their efforts to turn the tide against theRussians.
Similarities 3.
Role of Mobility:
(September 7, 1914) Marne: “Miracle of the Marne” rapid counterattack against the exposed flank of the German First Army.
(August 24-25, 1914) Tannenberg: The German 8th army was able to move 100 miles and outmaneuver the Russian2nd army.
similarities 4.
(Late August 1914) Timing: Both battles took place in the early stages of the war
Differences 1.
Course of Fighting
(September 6, 1914) Marne: french retreated so they could prevent encirclement and then counterattack
(August 25, 1914) Tannenberg: beginning of the encirclement of Russian 2nd Army
Differences 2.
Supply line challenges
(September 6-10, 1914) Marne: extended front lines, large difficulties transporting so far