Influence of Early Attachment on Relationships

Cards (5)

  • When a child has a secure attachment to their caregiver, they develop a positive internal working model, seeking out functional relationships. When a child has an insecure-avoidant or insecure-resistant attachment to their caregiver, they develop a negative internal working model, being less able to function in relationships. Insecure-avoidant- emotionally closed off and uninvolved in their relationships. Insecure-resistant- controlling attitude towards relationships.
  • Hazan & Shaver (1987):
    • Conducted a 'love quiz'- 728 pps responded to the quiz in the newspaper which asked them about their feelings regarding romantic, childhood and parental relationships and their attachment type.
    • Pps put into 3 categories- secure (balanced closeness and independence), avoidant (avoiding closeness), anxious (clingy, non-independent).
    • Correlation found between adult relationships and their attachment type- securely attached adults were less likely to divorce and insecure attached adults were more likely to report loneliness.
  • McCarthy (1999):
    • Studied 40 adult women who had previously been assessed for their attachment type as infants.
    • Assessed as securely attached as infants= best adult friendships.
    • Assessed as insecure-avoidant as infants= struggled with intimate relationships.
    • Assessed as insecure-resistant as infants= struggled to maintain friendships.
    • Supportive of Bowlby's attachment theory and Hazan & Shaver
  • Myron-Smith & Wilson- Early attachment and childhood relationships:
    • Studied 198 London children ages 7-11 using a questionnaire.
    • Insecure-avoidant children were more likely to be bullied, insecure-resistant children more likely to be bullies- have more issues with fitting in.
    • Securely attached children have a positive internal working model- healthy outlook on relationships so they stay away from bullies and bullying.
  • Evaluation of the theory and studies:
    • Application- helps to understand why a child or adult might struggle socially and emotionally, allowing them to be supported
    • Less internal validity- use of self-report method allows social desirability bias so results are less reliable
    • Use of correlations means cause and effect can't be established