Important to remain objective and not let personal opinion and judegemnts iterefere with data
Empircal methods suggest that knowleged is gained from direct experience and it should be collected in a systematic and controlled manner in order to produce quantitative data
empircal method don't allow knowledge to be based soley on belief
produce research again and find consistent results so findings can be generalised.
why does all reseach have a null hypothesis?
Scienctifc reseach must be subjected to reseach attempts prove them false, thereofre they must have a null hypothesis that suggests that nay difference or relationship that is found is due to chance
what is a theory
a set of pricniples to explain certain behaviours/events
to construct a theory eviedence to support the theroy has to be collected
Describe the inductive process.
experiment, then find patterns, then contruct a theory
The inductive process allows the research to make prediction whihc lead toa hypothesis.
a hypothesis has to objective adn measureable. If reseach supports hypothesis then the theory is strengthened, if it refuted then the theory needs changing.
What is the top-approach ot contructing a theory?
narrow down theory to specfic hypothsis
test empriacally
then adjust
what is a paradigm?
a set of shared assumptions and methods in a discipline
what is a paradigim shift ?
when research question paradigm, then challenge it which reseach that contrqdicts exisiting assumptions