Deuteronomy6:4-5 “The LORD our God, the LORD is ONE. Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. ”
1Corinthians8:4 “There is no GOD, but ONE.”
1Timothy2:5 “There is one God.”
The Nicene Creed confesses that there is, but only ONE GOD with three persons.
The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. COEXISTENT COEQUAL COETERNAL
CCC 200 - God is one in nature, substance, and essence
Holy Trinity - God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit
Holy Trinity - They are different from each other, but is only one God with one nature.
Summa Theologica - A book by St. Thomas Aquinas. It states that God is one, the alpha and the omega
De Trinitate - A book by St. Augustine of Hippo. One God with three Divine Persons – father, son, and holy spirit
The trinity of God is taught by the Catholic Church as the belief that in God are three persons who exist in one nature.
We are baptized “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”, and sent in mission in the name of the Trinity.
God revealed Himself to all because this is His great manifestation of love.
He communicated to humanity who He is just like the love of a Father, in a personal way.
He is also reaching out to us through friendship, so we get to know and love Him.
The Holy Spirit inspires the understanding of all these in the hearts and minds of the faithful.
God'sRevelation - 1. Creation or NaturalSigns/ 2. SacredScriptures or BiblicalSigns/ 3. The Church or EcclesialSigns/ 4. The Prayer and SacramentalWorship or Liturgical Signs/ 5. Grace or SignsoftheTimes
Creation or Natural Signs - It is everything we see, hear, and touch from the beginning until now. 7 Days of Creation
Sacred Scriptures or Biblical Signs - His words and deeds are records of salvation history. It is completed and perfected by Jesus Christ, the Son made man. Bible, Miracles of Jesus (e.g. water turned into wine)
The Church or Ecclesial Signs - This refers to His presence by the Holy Spirit in His people – the Church.
The Prayer and Sacramental Worship or Liturgical Signs - This includes the doctrine and moral services of the Church. 7Sacraments, Holy Mass, Liturgical Calendar
Grace or Signs of the times - It points out His interiorpresence in our conscience and in all the events of our dailylives or worldevents.
God’s revelation is gradual – through the prophets to revealing Jesus Christ.
The Bible testifies how God entered the history of the human race.
The Old Testament tells how God first entered into a special covenant relationship with His chosen people.
Noah - In the Old Testament, God made an everlasting covenant with Noah and all living beings.
Abraham - He was chosen by God to receive the covenant
Moses - God revealed His law (10 commandments through Moses).
Prophets - He prepared His people through the prophets to accept the salvation destined for the humanity.
Jesus - The final goal of God’s revelation is Jesus Christ. Through the Church, the Sacred Scripture, and the Sacred Tradition.
Apostolic Tradition - It is the transmission of the message of Christ through preaching and writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit
Apostolic Tradition - The apostles handed on the sacred tradition to bishops who were their successors so that the Gospel is preserved in the Church.
Apostles - other term for disciple. They are the personal follower of Jesus Christ
12 apostles - 1. Simon Peter | 2. Andrew | 3. James, son of Zebedee | 4. John | 5. Philip | 6. Bartholomew | 7. Matthew | 8. Thomas | 9. James, son of Alphaeus | 10. Thaddeus | 11. Simon the Zealot | 12. Judas Iscariot
Simon Peter - Peter which means rock. A fisherman. He is one of Jesus’ closest disciples. He is the leader of the early Christian church.
Andrew - He is the brother of Peter. A fisherman. He was the one who introduced Peter to Jesus. Andrew is often depicted carrying a cross, as he was martyred by being crucified on an X-shaped cross
James, Son of Zebedee - He is the brother of John. A fisherman. He was the first of the 12 Apostles to be martyred.
John - He is the brother of James. A fisherman. He was the known as the Beloved Disciple. He wrote the Gospel of John and the Book of Revelation.
Philip - A fisherman. Known for his ability to bring people to Jesus. He depicted holding a basket of bread as he was present at the feeding of the 5,000.