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  • Organismal Ecology focuses on the study of individuals and species and their relationship with the environment
  • Two fundamental questions addressed in Organismal Ecology:
    • How does a species or organism function in this environment?
    • How does the environment influence that species or organism?
  • Autecology:
    • Focuses on the individual and how it relates to the environment
    • Emphasizes life history
    • Behavior as an adaptation to the environment
  • Synecology:
    • Focuses on groups of organisms and their relation to the environment (community, and ecosystem ecology)
    • Considers "the picture as a whole"
  • In Ecology, organisms are classified as Unitary or Modular
    • Unitary:
    • Determinate form
    • Continuous and predictable pattern of growth and development
    • Highly mobile
    • Governed by genetic makeup
    • Modular:
    • Indeterminate form
    • Unpredictable pattern of growth and development
    • Sedentary or hardly mobile
    • Highly influenced by the environment
  • A species is a group of actually or potentially interbreeding individuals that are reproductively isolated from other individuals
  • Environment:
    • Consists of everything in the universe external to the organism
    • Abiotic = non-living & Biotic = living
  • Environmental factors may be of two types: Resource and Condition

    • All things consumed or used up by an organism, making it less available for others
    • Organisms may compete for resources
    • E.g. light, CO2, O2, space, water, mineral nutrients, other organisms as food
    • Environmental factors that influence the functioning of living organisms
    • May be altered but not consumed
    • E.g. temp, RH, pH, salinity, concentration of pollutants
  • An environmental factor may be both a condition and a resource depending on the situation and the context
    • Biotic factors may also be conditions
  • Habitat vs. Niche:

    • Actual place where an organism lives
    • "Address" of an organism
    • Not a place but an idea
    • Defines the conditions and resources an organism needs in order to practice its way of life
    • Way of life = functional role
    • Fundamental vs. realized niche
    • N-dimensional hypervolume
  • The habitat is part and parcel of the niche idea
  • Ecology is the study of the interaction of organisms with their environment
  • The term "ecology" was coined by Ernst Haeckel in 1869
  • The Greek root of "ecology" is "oikos" meaning house or home
  • Ecology is the study of the economy of resources
  • Father of Ecology: Alexander von Humboldt
  • Alexander von Humboldt is also known as the Father of Biogeography
  • Humboldt was the first to study the relationship between organisms and their environment
  • Subdivisions of Ecology by Level of Organization:
    • Organismal Ecology
    • Population Ecology
    • Community Ecology
    • Ecosystem Ecology
    • Landscape Ecology
  • Subdivisions of Ecology by Taxonomic "Slices" :
    • Microbial Ecology
    • Plant Ecology
    • Animal Ecology
  • Subdivisions of Ecology by Basic "Layers" :
    • Physiological Ecology
    • Genetic Ecology
    • Behavioral Ecology
    • Systems Ecology
  • Sciences allied to Ecology:
    • Natural History
    • Environmental Sciences
    • Resource Management Sciences
  • Ecology gained popularity during the second half of the 20th century
  • Ecology was acquired from other fields like physiology, geology, and climatology
  • Greek inquiry: Aristotle wrote Historia Animalium, Theophrastus observed plants and animals brought by soldiers of Alexander the Great, Herodotus & Plato believed "Nature provides for all organisms"
  • 16th to 18th century: Gesner & Aldovanni described interactions of plants and animals, Linnaeus studied phenology of flowering plants, Buffon noted different regions have distinct plants and animals, Reamur studied growth of insect populations
  • 19th century: Bates scientifically documented mimicry, Darwin & Wallace proposed the Theory of Natural Selection, Humboldt had the idea for Plant Geography and is considered the Father of Ecology
  • 20th century to present: Liebig, Blackman, Shelford, Malthus, Verhulst, Lotka & Volterra, Gause, Mobius, Cowles, Tansley, Clements contributed to the development of Ecology