
Cards (29)

    • Study of microorganisms and their activity
    • Microbiology is studied to study the diseases caused by microorganisms, as well as the prevention and control of disease.
  • Bacteriology - bacteria
    • Mycology - fungi
    • Phycology - algae
    • Protozoology - protozoans
    • Virology - viruses
    • Parasitology - parasites
    • Nematology - nematodes
    In the early years, there were only 2 kingdoms: animal kingdom and plant kingdom.
  • 1886- However, there are microorganisms that possess both plant-like and animal-like characteristics. That’s why Protista, a new kingdom, was proposed by Ernst Haeckel
    • No organelles
    • Unicellular
    • Circular chromosomes
    • Cell wall
    • Cell membrane
    • Nuecleolus 
    • Nucleus and organelles
    • Unicellular and multicellular 
    • Linear chromosomes
    • Cell wall is present (found in plants, cells, and fungi)
    • Cell membrane (present in all cells) (preserving the cell structure)(protects the cell from physical damage)
    1. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
    • First prototype of magnifying glass
    Observed minute organisms, animalcules
    • AVL was able to produce an instrument having a magnification of 40-300x 
    1. Robert Hooke
    • First compound microscope
  • In 1678, Robert Hooke developed acompound microscope and confirmed
    1. Louis Pasteur
    • “Father of modern microbiology”
    • Introduced the technique of sterilization
    • Importance of cotton plugs and the use of complex media
    1. Joseph Lister
    • Father of antiseptic surgery
    • He said that microorganisms in the atmosphere contributes to post-operative wound infection
    • Introduced antiseptic surgery by proposing carbolic acid as a spray (1867)
    1. Robert Koch
    • Father of bacteriology
    • Koch’s postulate
    • Introduce staining techniques and methods of obtaining bacteria in pure culture using solid media (agar)
    • Discovered cholera vibrio and tubercle bacili
    1. Causal agent poliomyelitis
    • Landsteiner and Propper (1909)
    • Poliomyelitis - life-threatening disease caused by poliovirus
    1.  Antibiotics (1928)
    • Alexander Fleming
    • Antibacterial effect of Penicillin produced by mold penicillium 
    • In 1940, sade preparation of penicillin were developed by chain
    1. Immunization against smallpox
    • Edward jenner (1796)
    • Cowpox virus - exposure of milkmaids to occupational cowpox made them immune.
    • Study of microorganisms and their activity
    • Microorganisms are grouped based on their morphology and functional properties; they are grouped as (bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoans, and viruses.)
    • All microorganisms are not alike and have different features
  • (what are microorganisms?) - organisms that is microscopic such as bacteria, fungi, archaea, and protists
    • However, there are microorganisms that possess both plant-like and animal-like characteristics. That’s why Protista, a new kingdom, was proposed by Ernst Haeckel.
  • (Viruses are not included)
    • acellular
    • They are not technically alive (no kingdom)
    • Very different from others
    • Only utilize host cell to function
    Contributes to digestion - lactobacillus, the bacteria commonly used in probiotics
    Competes the disease causing particles
    Produce organic acids such as citric, lactic, and acetic acid
    Vitamins, amino acids, and enzymes
    • Produce diseases in man, animals, and plants
    • Spoil our food and things (water, books, leather, etc.)