Setaceous - segments becoming more slender gradually.
Types of Antennae
Filiform - segments nearly uniform in size, usually cylindrical
Types of Antennae
Moniliform - segments similar in size, more or less cylindrical
Types of Antennae
Serrate - segments particularly the distal half (2/3) more or less triangularr.
Types of Antennae
Pectinate - segments with long, slender lateral processes
Types of Antennae
Bipectinate - double comb-like
Types of Antennae
Clavate - increase in size of segments is gradual.
Types of Antennae
Geniculate - first segment long, following segments small and going-off at an angle to the first.
Types of Antennae
Plumose - segments with whorls of long hairs.
Types of Antennae
Lamellate - Nested plates
Types of Antennae
Aristate - last segment usually enlarged and bearing a conspicuous arista
Types of Antennae
Stylate - last segment bearing an elongate terminal finger-like process called style
Types of Insect Mouthparts
Siphoning - galea of maxillae greatly elongated and joined to form a slender hallow and tube which is coiled up under the head when not in use (proboscis)
Types of Mouthparts
Sponging - end of labium specialized into a sponge-like organ (labellum)
Types of Mouthparts
Chewing-Lapping - Mandibles and labrum are of the chewing type and used for grasping prey or molding wax or nest material.
Types of Mouthparts
Piercing-Sucking - presence of tubular, usually jointed beak enclosing several needle-like stylets
Types of Mouthparts
Rasping-sucking - Asymmetrical conical structure located ventrally at the rear of the head
Types of Mouthparts
Chewing - most basic mouthparts, from which all other types have evolved, are for chewing
Types of Legs
Cursorial/Gressorial - running/walking legs
Types of Legs
Raptorial - forelegs armed with opposing spines and spurs.
Types of Legs
Natatorial - segments of forelegs flattened and with long hairs.
Types of Legs
Pollen Gathering - hind tibiae clothed with hairs
Types of Legs
Fossorial - Forelegs with scraper-like parts
Types ofLegs
Saltatorial - enlarged hind femur
Types of Legs
Scansorial - end of tarsus of prothoracic leg is a hook-like structure used for clinging to host
Types of Wings
Elytra - hard sclerotized front wings serving as protective cover for membranous hindwings
Types of Wings
Hemelytra - front wings that are leathery or parchment-like at the base and membranous at tip.
Types of Wings
Tegmina - front wings that are completely leathery or parchment-like in texture
Types of Wings
Haltere - small, knob-like structure serving as gyroscopic structure
Types of Wings
Fringed Wings - margins of slender front and hindwings with long fringes of hair
Types of Wings
Membranous wings - soft, flexible, translucent or transparent with prominent wing veins
Types of Wings
Membranous with scales - wings covered with powder-like substance
Types of Wings
Hamuli - tiny hooks on hind wing that holed fore and hind wings together
Types of Wings
Frenulum - bristle near base of hind wings that holds fore and hind wings together.