Types according to function: Synthetic, Structural, Boundary, Transport
Types of Parenchyma:
Synthetic: Photosynthetic - ATP production
Structural: Aerenchyma
Boundary: Epidermis - Boundary with environment, hydrophobic cuticle
Boundary: Endodermis - Last layer before vascular tissue, only in root, transport of water and solute, Casparian strip, apoplastic route, symplastic route
Transport: Sieve elements
Storage tissues:
Store: Starch, Protein, Oil, Water
Support for young parts
Beneath epidermis
Primary growth
Axially elongated
Irregularly thickened 1-degree wall
Plastic; rigid
Support and stretch
4 types: Angular, Lamellar, Lacunar, Annular
Support for mature parts
Thickened secondary walls
Dead at maturity
Mechanical support near perimeter
Types: Fibers, Sclereids
Types of Sclerenchyma:
Fibers: Long spindle, thick secondary strands, Support in non-elongating parts, Simple or slightly bordered pits
Sclereids: Short, strongly lignified, More isodiametric than fibers