Hell yea

Cards (23)

  • sinartrosis
  • Aspergillus oryzae or Aspergillus wentii is a fungus that's used for making soy sauce
  • Axial is the skeleton, spine and chest area. While apendicular is the hand and leg area.
  • this is photosynthesis
    6CO2+6H20 = C6H12O2 + 6O2
  • this is respiration
    C6H12O2 + 6O2 = 6H2O + 6CO2
  • Incisor is the front teeth, Caninus is the fang, and there's primoral and moral
  • Fungus used in bread is Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  • pleura is membrane that's covering the lungs
  • somatic is conscious muscles
  • the example of endoskeleton is humans
    while the example of eksoskeleton is mollusca
    and the example of both is turtle
  • exosphere is the outer layer of atmosphere, the function is to destroy asteroids
  • stratosphere is an atmosphere layer where it protects the earth from the UV radiation
  • terestrial is the inside planet
  • jovian is the outer planet
  • the example of dwarf planet is pluto, ceres, haumea, makemake and eris
  • faring is the near mouth cavity
  • epiglottis is inside laring
  • udara pernapasan biasa yaitu tidal bervolume 500 ml
  • udara cadangan inspirasi atau komplementer bervolume 1500ml
  • udara cadangan ekspresi atau suplementer bervolume 1500 ml
  • udara residu bervolume 1000
  • kapasitas vital 3500
  • kapasitas total 4500