2.3 Simple Molecules & Covalent Bonds

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  • Covalent compounds are formed when pairs of electrons are shared between atoms
  • Only non-metal elements participate in covalent bonding
  • Each atom gains a full outer shell of electrons, giving them a noble gas electronic configuration
  • When two or more atoms are covalently bonded together, they are described as 'molecules'
  • Dot-and-cross diagrams can be used to show the electronic configurations in simple molecules
  • Electrons from one atom are represented by a dot, and the electrons of the other atom are represented by a cross
  • The electron shells of each atom in the molecule overlap and the shared electrons are shown in the area of overlap
  • The dot-and-cross diagram of the molecule shows clearly which atom each electron originated from
  • When drawing dot-and-cross diagrams for covalent compounds, make sure that the electron shell for each atom is full (remember that the 1st shell can only hold 2 electrons)
  • Many simple molecules exist in which two adjacent atoms share one pair of electrons, also known as a single covalent bond (or single bond)
  • Common Examples of Simple Molecules:
    • Hydrogen
    • Chlorine
    • Water
    • Methane
    • Ammonia
    • Hydrogen chloride
  • Some atoms need to share more than one pair of electrons to gain a full outer shell of electrons
  • If two adjacent atoms share two pairs of electrons, two covalent bonds are formed, also known as a double bond
  • If two adjacent atoms share three pairs of electrons, three covalent bonds are formed, also known as a triple bond
  • Examples of Complex Covalent Molecules:
    • Nitrogen: When 2 nitrogen atoms react, they share 3 pairs of electrons to form a triple bond
    • Ethene: In ethene, the 2 carbon atoms share 2 pairs of electrons, known as a double bond
    • Methanol
  • When a compound contains a metal and a non-metal, it is an ionic compound and ions need to be drawn separated with square brackets around each ion, together with a charge
  • If the compound contains only non-metal atoms, it is a covalent compound and the shells should overlap and contain one or more pairs of electrons
  • Small molecules are compounds made up of molecules that contain just a few atoms covalently bonded together
  • They have low melting and boiling points, so covalent compounds are usually liquids or gases at room temperature
  • As the molecules increase in size, the melting and boiling points generally increase
  • Small molecules have poor electrical conductivity
  • Small molecules have covalent bonds joining the atoms together, but there are weak intermolecular forces acting between neighboring molecules
  • These forces are very weak compared to the covalent bonds, so most small molecules are either gases or liquids at room temperature
  • As the molecules increase in size, the intermolecular forces also increase as there are more electrons available, causing the melting and boiling points to increase
  • The bonds between hydrogen and oxygen in water are covalent, and the attractions between the molecules are intermolecular forces which are about one-tenth as strong as covalent bonds
  • The atoms within covalent molecules are held together by covalent bonds while the molecules in a covalent substance are attracted to each other by intermolecular forces
  • Molecular compounds are poor conductors of electricity as there are no free ions or electrons to carry the charge
  • Most covalent compounds do not conduct at all in the solid state and are thus insulators
  • Common insulators include the plastic coating around household electrical wiring, rubber, and wood
  • The plastic coating around electrical wires is made from covalent molecules that do not allow a flow of charge