the weimar republic was seen as unpopular in the years 1918-1919 due to the stab in the back theory, the lack of control and eberts new constitution coming in place
the kapp putsch happened on march 13th 1920 when wolfgang kapp led an army against the government with support from industrialists and right wing groups
the freikorps were paramilitary units made up of volunteers who fought during the first world war
the kapp putsch failed because it had no popular support, there were strikes across germany which meant that workers refused to work so factories closed down meaning they couldn't produce weapons or food
with the weimar constitution it meant there was proportion representation which meant that with other parties had seats inparlement which made it harder to pass laws
the weimar constition also introdueced article 48 which gave the president emergancy powers which meant he could rule by decree without consulting parliament
article 48 allowed hitler to become chancellor in january 1933
after his failure at the beer hall putsch hitler was sentenced to five years in prison where he wrote mein kampf
in november 1923 hitler tried to overthrow the bavarian government but this failed due to poor planning and lack of support
hitlers rise to power was helped by the economic crisis as people blamed the jewish bankers for causing the depression
new women could have short hair and wear makeup
article 109 said women treated fairly to men
the unemployment insurance act helped workers in 1927
the first german republic chancellor was fredrich ebert
kaiser wilhelm 11 abdicated on 9th november 1918
the treaty of versilles was signed just outside paris in 1919
article 231 was that germany had to accept blame ( war guilt clause )
germany was forced to pay £6.6 billion in reparations
article 48 meaant the president could pass any laws by decree without the reichstag
the german politicians who signed the treaty of versilles were known as the november criminals
the spartacists revolt was a left wing revolt
the kpd were the german communist party
the freikorps were used to put down the left wing revolt
kristallnacht led to the setting up the kindertransport
the nuremburg laws were passed in 1935
aryans were the racial group that was favoured as the ' ideal ' racial group for the nazis
stregnth through joy waqs a workers organisation that gave them rewards for their hard work
the legue of german maidens was a branch of the hitler youth for girl aged 14-17
gypsies were also victims of racial persecution
reportedly the nazis reduced unemployment down to 300,000 by 1939
judges had to swear an oath of loyalty to the nazis
nuremburg held a nazi rally every august
ludwig muller led the nazis reich church which tried to unify the different branches of protestantism
the gestapo which was led by heinrich himmler was in charge of Hitlers police state
hitler took the title of fuhrer in 1934 after hindenburgs death
the night of the long knives was on the 30th june 1934 where hitler eliminated the leadership of the sa
hitler signed the concordat with the pope in june 1933
the enabling act gave hitler power to make laws alone for four years
kurt von schleicher proceded hitler as chancellor
the nazis won 196 seats in the reichstag in the election of november 1932