The endocrine system consists of glands that secrete chemicals that impact bodily functions
The Pituitarygland contains growthhormone
The adrenal gland contains glucocorticoids
The ThyroidGland contains Thyroid Hormones
The Pancreas contains Insulin
The Parathyroid gland contains Parathormone
The testes contain testosterone
Ovaries contain estrogen.
The hypothalamus connects the nervous system to the endocrine system via the Pituitary gland
The Pituitary gland is seen as the master regulator of the Endocrine System
The Posterior Pituitary Gland may be related to two hormones which are AntidiureticHormone as well as Oxytocin
Oxytocin has 3 roles which are uterine contraction, the production of breast milk as well as relationship building
The AnteriorPituitary gland may be associated with six hormones
The 6 Anterior Pituitary gland hormones are FollicleStimulatingHormone, LuteinizingHormone, AdrenocorticoidHormone, ThyroidStimulatingHormone, Prolactin and GrowthHormone (FLATPEG)
Too much growth hormone is related to Gigantism as well as Acromegaly, the difference is Acromegaly is seen later in life
Too LittleGrowthHormone is related to Dwarfism
Cortisol is a stresshormone which is important in relation for metabolism
Too LittleCortisol leads to impaired glucose metabolism
Too MuchCortisol is related to an enhanced breakdown of muscle, bone and other tissues
The Thyroid gland secretes hormones that have effects on metabolism, body temperature, cardiac output, mental alertness as well as body weight.
Calcitonin is produced in the Thyroid and plays a role in storing calcium
Parathyroidhormone helps increase calcium in bloodstream
Calcitoninstores calcium in the bones
Too Much parathyroidhormone leads to osteoporosis
normal blood glucose levels are related to the values of 80-90 mg/dl
Alpha Cells produce Glucagon
Beta cells produce insulin
Glucagon is released when bloodglucose is too low, increasing blood glucose levels
Insulin is released when bloodglucose is too high and increased the blood glucose storage
Type 1 diabetes is related to a low insulinproduction and is developed when a juvenile
Follicle Stimulating hormone is related to the development of the corpus luteum
Luteinizing Hormone stimulates ovulation.
Progesterone promotes secretion of the endometrium lining