Cards (179)

  • Pupil of the Egyptians and Chaldeans: Thales
  • Coined mathematics and philosophy: Pythagoras
  • Pythagoras described mathematics as the Love of Wisdom
  • Pythagoras stated "All is number"
  • First True Mathematician: Thales
  • Pythagoras is known for:
    • Construction of Regular Solids
    • Theory of Proportional
  • Two Chief Systems in Greece:
    • Attic (Herodianic)
    • Ionian (Alphabetic)
  • Anaxagoras:
    • Imprisoned in Athens for impiety
    • Teacher of Pericles
  • Father of the Sophists: Protagoras
  • Paradoxes of Zeno include:
    • Dichotomy
    • Achilles
    • Arrow
    • Stade
  • Zeno proved the inconsistency of multiplicity and divisibility
  • Democritus is known for the Materialistic Atomic Doctrine
  • Plato is known as the Maker of Mathematicians
  • Plato's Academy motto: "Let no one ignorant of geometry enter here"
  • Eudoxus:
    • Theory of Proportion
    • Method of Exhaustion
    • Father of Scientific Astronomy
  • Menaechmus discovered curves such as ellipse, parabola, hyperbola
  • Euclid wrote "The Elements" which includes:
    • Book 1: Congruence of Triangles and Construction by Straight-edge and Compass
    • Book 2: Geometric Algebra
    • Book 3 and 4: Geometry of the Circle
  • Archimedes:
    • Invented ingenious war machines
    • Famous exclamation "Eureka!"
    • Claimed he could move the earth with a long enough lever and fulcrum
    • Claimed he could write a number greater than the grains of sand in the universe
    • Computed perimeters of polygons by doubling sides to 96
    • Father of Mathematical Physics
    • Wrote "The Sand-Reckoner"
  • Apollonius of Perge wrote "Treatise on Conics" and had five lost works
  • Hipparchus is known as the Father of Trigonometry
  • Menelaus:
    • Spherical Triangles
    • Wrote "Sphaerica"
  • Ptolemy wrote "Almagest" and achieved accurate representations of planetary motions
  • Diophantus:
    • Riddle (Epitaph)
    • Father of Algebra
    • Wrote "Arithmetica"
  • Pappus of Alexandria:
    • Wrote "Mathematical Collection"
    • Known for the Sagacity of Bees
  • Ancient and Medieval Chinese used the Rod Numeral System and centesimal instead of decimal
  • Zhoubi Suanjing is the oldest of the Mathematical Classics in China
  • Jiuzhang Suanshu or Nine Chapters of Mathematical Art is the most influential Chinese mathematical book
  • Abacus is a device used for counting
  • Liu Hui was a Chinese mathematician who derived Pi using regular polygons
  • Yang Hui is known for Magic Squares
  • Apastamba knew that the diagonal of a rectangle is equal to the sum of the squares on two adjacent sides
  • Siddhantas is known as the Indian "Age of Astronomy"
  • Aryabhata wrote the descriptive work "Aryabhatiya"
  • Sulbasutras contain the Rules of the Cord in Indian mathematics
  • Brahmagupta:
    • Mentioned two values of Pi
    • Found gross areas of triangles
    • Gave an equivalent of the Law of Sines
    • Asserted that 0 / 0 is zero
    • First to give a general solution of the linear Diophantine Equation
  • Bhaskara was a leading mathematician in the 12th century
  • Gilles Persone de Roberval made the first sketch of half of a sine curve in 1635
  • Girard Desargues:
    • Projective Geometry
    • Called a conic section as "coup de rouleau"
    • Introduced Involution
  • Blaise Pascal:
    • Connected the study of probability with the arithmetic triangle
    • Known for the invention of the Pascaline adding machine
    • Found areas, volumes, and centers of gravity associated with a cycloid
  • Phillip de Lahire:
    • Disciple of Desargues
    • Invented the term 'origin' in analytic geometry
    • Made a first real step toward solid analytic geometry