what are examples of meningeal partitions?
- The partition between the two cerebral hemispheres, i.e. in the longitudinal fissure.
- The term 'Falx' (Latin for sickle) is derived from the fact that this partition is narrow at the front where it attaches to the crista galli of the ethmoid and broad behind, where it
connects to the upper surface of the tentorium cerebelli
- The upper margin of the falx cerebri is attached to the inner surface of the skull, leaving a gap that forms the superior sagittal sinus
- The lower margin has a free edge and encloses the inferior sagittal sinus
- The partition between the cerebellar hemispheres, whereby a short process of dura mater projects from the internal occipital crest below the tentorium and bifurcates into two, passing on either side of foramen magnum
---------Tentorium cerebelli
- as the name translates to, sits as the roof of the cerebellum
- this partition sits between the occipital lobes and cerebellar
hemispheres, with an opening surrounding the brainstem